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Dinner in Nice/Villefranche

Any recommendations for an evening meal in Nice/Villefranche. We will be in port for the day on April 23, 2023 and do not sail until 23:00 hr. Recommendations for a wine shop where I could purchase a bottle or two would be appreciated.

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79 posts

In 2018 we enjoyed Chez Acchiardo in Nice. Found it in Rick’s book. They told us Rick had been there just a few days previously.

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736 posts

An early dinner can be challenging as most of the nicer/better places don't open until 7 pm -- and a Sunday will be even tougher, in the non-summer season. If you do want those restaurants, you may need to switch to a longer lunch and have a lighter meal later. There are "non-stop" restaurants but they tend to be tourist-oriented or cafes. One cafe/resto on Cours Saleya is LeSafari, the better of the restaurants lining the market area. I know of some others but am hesitant to recommend.

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464 posts

We enjoyed eating in the charming seaside town of Villefranche sur Mer. The restaurant La Grignotiere on rue Poilu has excellent food and friendly service. We sat outside for dinner. Their hours are 12:00 - 2:30 pm and also 6:30 - 9:00 pm. Another possibility is La Caravelle on rue de l'Eglise. If you sit outside you get a peekaboo view out to the water. Hours at La Caravelle are 7 pm - 10 pm. You may wish to make reservations for dinner. Most likely your ship will depart from Villefranche sur Mer, so this is a lovely town to stroll by the waterfront and enjoy the quaint side streets before you depart.

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146 posts

About 10 years ago, we stayed in Villafranche and we also ate there at a lovely restaurant, outside along the water, but I don't remember the name. That was before so many cruise ships docked there. I wonder if you ate there now, if you would be staring at your ship instead of the view we enjoyed.

I would recommend visiting Eze anyway, but when we hiked up to the top, we passed a few restaurants with gorgeous views. We didn't eat there and I don't know about their seasonal hours, but I do think that could be a wonderful experience.