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Dinner before concert at Versailles Chapel

Departing for Paris in a few days. We have tickets for a classical concert at the chapel at Versailles. I am wondering if anyone has ever been to a concert at the Chapel. What was your experience? Also would appreciate recommendations for a restaurant near the chapel that would be open for a 5 p.m. meal. ( Up to 50 Euros per person) . Any/all suggestions gratefully accepted.

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153 posts

Restaurants in France usually do not open for the evening meal until 7:30 or 8:00, but you should be able to get something to hold you over at a cafe or brasserie, some of which are open all day. I do not know Versailles well, so I cannot make suggestions, but some other Forum members may be able to help.

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5697 posts

Only place we have eaten in Versailles was Mickey D's across from the train station -- but it was open at the time we needed it.

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4556 posts

Laura B, that is the ultimate oxymoron. Wouldn't the Sun King have loved that! And Marie Antoinette could have said "let them eat fries" Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

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153 posts

Restaurants in France usually do not open for the evening meal until 7:30 or 8:00, but you should be able to get something to hold you over at a cafe or brasserie, some of which are open all day. I do not know Versailles well, so I cannot make suggestions, but some other Forum members may be able to help.

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153 posts

Sorry for the duplicate post. Have no idea how that happened.

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7121 posts

Nukesafe, duplicates sometimes happen mysteriously - just delete one of them.

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755 posts

So excited to hear that you're attending a concert at the Chapelle Royale. I've been to programs at both the Chapelle and Opéra Royale. Part of the experience for me is being in the Chapelle area before the performance and at intermission, savouring walking the corridors without the crowds, looking out the windows at the gardens as the sun sets, and the fountain sparkles.

There are light cold plates and beverages available at the bar outside the Chapelle. Rather than eating nearby, we've always chosen this, for the view of the gardens from the windows and the opportunity to explore the Chapelle as a guest rather than a tourist. If you are seated on the main floor, you can still walk around the gallery upstairs.

The closest brasseries are on Rue des Reservoirs toward Blvd de la Reine. A local I know tells me that most of these are tourist oriented, and didn't really have a recommendation, As others have mentioned, the regular restaurants open around 7...the Brasserie du Theatre Montensier will likely be more understanding of your time constraints, but I can't vouch for the quality.

Which concert are you attending? Have a wonderful evening!