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Dining in Rue Cler

Before our RS tour begins, we will have several days on our own at the tour hotel, Hotel Duquesne Eiffel. Can anyone recommend restaurants in that area?


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126 posts

Two come to mind. Auberge Bressane on the r. de la Motte Piquet, a short walk from your hotel is very good. You likely won't find a table free without a reservation. Have the hotel call for reservations, or stick your head in on your way past in the afternoon and make them for one night. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

The other is La Terrasse which is at the corner where the Ecole Militaire Métro stop is. Good for breakfast, lunch or dinner and the people watching is terrific.

Posted by
6368 posts

Will I be the first to recommend Café Roussillon? It's on the corner of Rue Cler and Rue de Grenelle, and is the favorite of a number of us on the Forum. Good food, friendly staff. It's become our "go to" place when we're in Paris.

Le Petit Cler is another handy one; we've had mixed results there though. We've had excellent meals there, and also "so-so" ones. Ditto for the service.

Café Marché is also right there in the heart of the area. We had a very good lunch there, and it's some folks' favorite, especially for its convenience.

Posted by
11367 posts

Au Bon Accueil is small, friendly and warm with excellent food! In the 7th.

Posted by
32253 posts


There are lots of nice restaurants in that area, so you won't have any trouble finding places to get some fine meals. Some that I've dined at in the past (some were also mentioned in previous replies).....

  • Café du Marché
  • Cafe Roussillon
  • La Terrasse - on the tour I took, one of our group dinners was here at the dining room upstairs. Of these three, I believe it's the closest one to Hotel Duquesne Eiffel.

The current RS France guidebook will no doubt have some good recommendations.

I also spent a few days at Duquesne Eiffel before the tour began. It's a beautiful hotel and depending which room you get, you may have a view of the Eiffel Tower. As I recall, they served a nice breakfast.

Posted by
9433 posts

Café Constant at 139 rue Saint Dominique is very good. Rue Saint Dominique crosses rue Cler.

I got food poisoning from eating at Café du Marché many years ago so i’m not a fan.

Posted by
126 posts

Wow, Susan, you're the second person I've heard of who got sick at that restaurant. Interesting. Will definitely avoid that one in the future.

Posted by
11464 posts

We like (and have visited each multiple times) Cafe Roussillon, La Terrasse, and Cafe Constant. Make reservation, especially for cafe Constant. Have the hotel call for you sooner rather than later. Cafe Constant has a daily menu of three courses that is usually delicious and an economically priced (for Paris).

Posted by
876 posts

Le p’tit Troquet is our favorite. Small space, so consider making a reservation.

Posted by
6 posts

We are traveling there in two weeks - peut etre on the same RS tour of Eastern France? I'm enjoying the planning. We are also in the Rue Cler. I found that Cafe Constant is now Cafe Lignac

Posted by
14208 posts

Cafe Constant has closed...or actually it was sold and is now Cafe Lignac.

(editing to add - cross posting!)

Along with Ken's experience I've also eaten at La Terrasse for both Welcome meals (twice, hahaha) and for Farewell meals (once). Still, I like to sit on their Terrasse to people watch! Do NOT under any circumstance have 2 glasses of wine with lunch and then follow with one of their delicious house made pastries. Even an espresso won't save you. Nap-time!!

I like Cafe Roussillon too, which Jane knows, lol.

One restaurant that I really like is Di Felice on Rue de Grenelle just a block east of the corner of Rue Cler and Rue de Grenelle where Roussillon is located.

I've never eaten at Cafe Max on Avenue de la Motte-Picquet because I'm vegan and the menu is pretty meat-heavy but the history of this location is so interesting!

Just for fun, here is an older (pre-covid) walking tour of the area from Corey Frye, A French Frye in Paris. He does mention Cafe Constant, which has since changed hands.

And also reported HappyBuddha spam.

Posted by
6 posts

Reservations - I see some use the app The Fork (La Fourchette) for restaurant reservations. Is this the Open Table of France? And do the hotels have some pull to get us in if the Fork reservations seem to be full? For example Le P'tit Troquet is full most of August. Or they are closed for vacation? I see some restaurants have some weeks blocked off. For example, we want to try Florimond, but it is closed till 17 August.

Posted by
14208 posts

"For example Le P'tit Troquet is full most of August. Or they are closed for vacation?"

Looking at their website, it looks like there is a blank for reservations from the last available on Sunday Aug 12 to Thursday Sept 7. I am guessing this is an August vacation closure. You could go by there to see as they will have a sign on the door most likely.

editing to add: I walk by Le Florimond a lot as I often stay at a hotel on Rue Chevert and pass this on the way to the Metro station. You may be able to go early and be seated. It does not always look full. Last time I was in Paris was end of April.

Posted by
8 posts

Wow! Since this is my first RS tour, I had no idea what to expect of this forum, but you folks are fantastic! Thank you so very much for all this helpful information. I now have a long list of places to research and ample time to make reservations.

Pam, thank you for reporting the Healing Buddha post. I wasn’t sure how to do it, so I appreciate your help.

Posted by
14208 posts

You are so welcome Debs! To report a spam post (and I see ours is gone, lol), look down below the name and click "Report". That brings up a text box and I just usually type in Spam.

You'll have a wonderful time in the neighborhood before your tour. On my arrival day I always walk over to the Champ de Mars. From your hotel the closest access point is to walk toward the Ecole Militaire Metro stop (where La Terrasse is located) and then across the intersections and left across the street from the Ecole Militaire...or the Military School. This is actually where Napoleon went to school!!

If you decide you want some good pastry and sandwiches I like this shop for takeaway.

There is also an Amorino gelato shop on Rue Cler. Yum!

Posted by
6368 posts

DebsG, which tour are you taking, and when is it?

This doesn’t have anything to do with your question; we’re just nosy!

Posted by
9433 posts

HappyToBeHere, That is interesting you know someone else that got food poisoning eating at Café du Marchés. Three days of my vacation spent on the bathroom floor during a brutal heat wave was not fun.

Debs, welcome to the forum! I hope you venture out of the rue Cler area to see more of Paris… my favorite thing to do is walk around the Marais, the two islands, along the river and through the Luxembourg Gardens… my favorite place on the planet… : )

Posted by
11464 posts

Good recommendation by TravelBug79 for Le p’tit Troquet!

Too bad about Cafe Constant. Retirements happen. Cafe Lignant sounds like a worthy option.

Posted by
126 posts

Yes, Susan, my Parisian friend did her time on the bathroom floor as well. I've avoided it like the plague since then.

And for anyone who stays in the rue Cler area, there is an lovely shop on the rue de Champs de Mars, It's called the Epicerie Fine Rive Gauche. Bright red exterior. The man and his wife who own it are lovely. Especially if you cook, you'll love it.

Posted by
6368 posts

DebsG, that's a great tour! You will learn so much... That's how many of us got hooked on Paris, so get ready to be addicted!

Oh, and one minor tweak of a recommendation several folks have made: the restaurant La Terrasse is actually called La Terrasse du 7éme, spelled out septiéme. (I have the accent facing the wrong way. Sorry; I don't know how to do the accent grave. ) The full name will help if you look the place up.

It is very good; I'll concur there.

Posted by
32253 posts


There's also a small restaurant right next to Hotel Levesque, called Le Petit Cler. I've only had lunch there and I recall that the food was good.

Posted by
786 posts

Ward Wilson. The Fork is just TripAdvisor. Restaurants will only ever release a small percentage of their tables to The Fork because of that.

Posted by
14208 posts

"DebsG, that's a great tour! You will learn so much... That's how many of us got hooked on Paris, so get ready to be addicted!"

Oh yes....prepare to be planning your next trip to Paris on the plane home! I first went to Paris in 1973. Went a number of times over the years and just never clicked with it. I could never understand the allure. Did the RS 21 day Best of Europe which ends in Paris and decided to do a back to back with Best Of Paris.

Oh. My. Word...

I got so much out of having Rolinka, the guide, whispering in my ear on the Metro or as we walked on the side walk. She would say things like...."See how that lady in the red shirt is lining up for the Metro? She is in the wrong spot and is going to annoy the locals. Don't do that, do it this way....." INvaluable especially for someone like me who has never lived where there is public transport.

Posted by
8 posts

Thank you, Pam, for the encouraging note. We can’t wait for our trip and I hope we come away with the same love for Paris that you and all the others in this forum have found!

Posted by
65 posts

Another vote for Le P'tit Troquet for an authentic French Bistro experience. Classy, unpretentious, and intimate setting. Short walk from Rue Cler.

We were there in May and had a wonderful 3-course dinner. Small bistro, perhaps 7 or 8 tables in the front room. They fill up quickly. Glad we had reservations, which I recommend. We were clearly not the only tourists, but it did not feel touristy. Also open for lunch Tues-Fri.

Yes, their booking calendar for Sept. is confusing. Looks like one can book a reservation for only 4 dates in Sept. Hmmm….

Posted by
125 posts

Last year I ate at a cute bistro in the area-Le Café de Mars on 11 Rue Augereau. The staff was very friendly and the food delicious. What made the meal especially special was the music being played by a cute little trio. I think they have special music on Saturdays. It felt very Parisian and I enjoyed my time at this restaurant. I walked to Rue Cler after my meal and picked up some gelato.

Posted by
2764 posts

Proof that dining tastes are all different

I ate at Cafe du Mars in March of this year. Just ok and I probably won't go back. Does not mean it's not good just means it wasn't for me. LOL

I did like Cafe Roussillon, La Terrasse. On past trips I also made a point of returning to Cafe Constant regardless of where I stayed but since the change something about it has turned me off when I walked by so I have not tried it under the new owners.

Posted by
1172 posts

Another huge fan of Café Roussillon. Never had a bad meal there, and usually make a 2-3 time visit each time we are in Paris. Love this place. Try Grandma's Boeuf Bourguignon. It's fantastic!

Posted by
9433 posts

JR, have you had Roussillon’s Coquillettes? Elbow pasta with truffles. To die for. I agree with you about their Boeuf Bourgignon, absolutely delicious.

Posted by
6368 posts

Every meal we've ever had at the Roussillon has been good. Especially good were the roast chicken and the grilled dorade. Stan raved about the chocolate moulleur, like a lava cake. Their snails are good, but not as good as those at La Terrasse du 7-iéme. The chicken gizzard salad is way better than it sounds.

Can't wait to go back this fall.

Posted by
9433 posts

I just made a big mistake… i Googled Roussillon’s menu and looked at food photos… torture!

I’d eat every meal there every day if i could! lol

Posted by
1172 posts

Oh Susan, I so agree. Believe it or not they have great fish and chips too, lol.

Posted by
9433 posts

Wow JR, who’da thought, lol. We always stay in the Marais, so Roussillon’s not very convenient, but it’s worth making the effort to get there! The 69 bus stops right in front of Roussillon which is helpful.