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Dijon on a Sunday - baggage storage and other stuff/conundrums

Long shot here, but if anyone knows for sure the hours of operation for the Dijon train station baggage storage on Sunday's, I'd appreciate it. The RailEurope website says one thing, the Dijon tourist center says another (though they sound unsure).

If anyone wants to help with my poor planning:

I will arrive in Dijon by car at some point, driving from Amboise, after stopping at the battlefield where Julius Caesar conquered Gaul and maybe a few other places. My un-brilliant plan was to return the car here, explore as much of Dijon as I could in half a day, and then take a late high-speed train to Lyon, where we would spend the next few days. Basically, this is where I can go back to using TGV and stop driving, and it seemed like a cool place to see. Alas, Sundays are always the worst, and this seems like a particularly not-great plan for a Sunday. Most things will be closed. I have to return the car by 6:30 PM and at least one of the sources I asked say that baggage storage closes before then, so if that is the case, I should exchange my ticket, cut my short time in Dijon shorter, and leave earlier. I truly have no idea what time I will arrive in Dijon, but I'm thinking a late lunch and the owl trail and a museum if there is remotely enough time for that. I did get some leads on restaurants, but of course a lot of them would be closed at "late lunch" time. I had this vision of wandering around all afternoon, having dinner at 7, and then leaving, but this no longer seems like a sound plan to me.