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Difficulty with trip planning around Bank holidays, May 7th, 8th 2024 (Victory Day & Ascension Day)

We will be in Paris from May 2-5th & Bordeaux from May 5th (or 6th)-May 9th, 2024. From Bordeaux we will then travel to the Basque region of Spain for 2 weeks.
I have recently discovered that Tuesday May 7th & Wednesday May 8th are Bank holidays, which means some (several? most?) museums, shops and restaurants will be closed. I have contacted the Musée D'Aquitaine in Bordeaux asking about their schedule this particular week, but have not received a reply. Their website states they are also closed on Mondays--so I'm not sure if they will be close all 3 days that week?

I know that in France Mondays are a common day for some shops/restaurants to close, and I'm wondering if it's worth visiting Bordeaux for 3 days if much of what we want to see will be closed?

Any advice or information about closings that week?
Thanks in advance for any help/advice!

PS: Unfortunately, we are unable to change our dates

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7019 posts

8 May is a minor holiday, 7 May 2024 (Ascension) is a slightly bigger one, but still, you should have no trouble finding restaurants and I would be extremely surprised if the museums were to close on such busy travel days. Bordeaux is likely to be full of French tourists taking advantage of the holidays!
The one holiday to watch for at that time of the year is 1 May, when the country does basically stop.

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2580 posts

The big day, when much is closed, is 1 May, which you miss.