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Did not receive VAT tax refund

I would like to get some help on how to get VAT refund in US, I did everything correct by getting form and drop into box at the CDG airport the day we are leaving in early Aug. and it has been more than a month and I only received 1 ( global blue) refund out of 4.
Is there anything I can do about the refund that I did not receive yet?

Thank you

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1134 posts

Be patient. I think my refund took about 6 weeks. I’m really not sure what you can do if it never comes but maybe others here can help.

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3780 posts

Did you go through the PABLO system and get the green light for all of your receipts or were they reviewed by a customs officer? Have you gone to the refund tracker? See You enter the Tax Free Form Number (Doc-ID) and the purchase amount and then click next.

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32 posts

THank you JHK for the information, I got refund from Global blue but I did not get it from Planet ( 3 of them) so I was wondering if Planet take that long ( I came back on Aug. 7th). This is frustrating.
Hope there is way to find out about status or anything.

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3780 posts

Planet's web site says "If you do not receive your refund two months after posting the form back to us, we advise you to contact us as there may have been a problem with your Tax Free form." They have a track my refund link at the home page of Planet's website -- maybe check there.