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Did any TGV trains run today (Saturday April 7), if so what time of day?

Lots of rumors are flying about the train strike so I am trying to determine what is rumor and what is truth so I can plan accordingly. I am trying to travel by train from Gare de Lyon, Paris to Avignon TGV or Avignon Central on a June 2 which is a designated strike day and also happens to be a Saturday. I think if I can guess which train is more likely to run and purchase a ticket for that train I will be better off than if I have no ticket at all and wait until the actual schedule is announced the day before and everyone then try to get buy tickets all at once. I hope someone actually in France now with first hand knowledge of the trains running will reply to this topic. Thanks you, Sandy

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2546 posts

There is a minimum schedule that must be maintained by the strikers. Yesterday, one in five TGVs actually operated. Strike days are announced in advance but generally not specific trains. You will know which trains will be canceled one or two days in advance. You can board any train during a strike day, you just may not have a place to sit. My strategy would be to book trains with early departures, better would be to avoid travel on strike days.

If your train is canceled, you can receive a refund except for Ouigo trains.

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6113 posts

Very few trains have been running and what runs on one strike day may not run on the next strike day. Crews and trains get out of position, which also affects the day after strike days.

Tickets on strike days are valid on any train, I understand, so it will be elbow room only on the few trains that will be running and not a pleasant experience if it’s anything like UK train strike days.

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5697 posts

I bought tickets before the strike was announced, so I am checking Paris>Strasbourg schedules for each strike day to get a feel for train availability. And will check 1-2 days in advance of my actual date until the final schedule is posted -- then if our tickets are on a train that's running, Bazinga! If not, we will get over to the station to try to get on whatever TGV is running. Maybe sitting in different cars, maybe standing for part or all of the way. Should make a good story later!