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Delayed Opening at Versailles

We have a 9:00 visit to Versailles booked for June 20. This morning, I received a message about a delayed opening on June 20 due to a general staff meeting from 9:00-10:30. No big deal, we know to adapt. The message notes we can visit any time that day, so it would be up to us whether we plan for a late morning arrival (along with lots of other folks due to the disruption), or give an afternoon visit a try.

What seems odd to me is there is an additional note in the message that reads, "In case the entire Estate remains closed, you will be refunded automatically without any action on your part."

Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing at Versailles? Is it likely the estate remains closed the entire day, or is more just reassurance to folks that they'd get their money back if needed?

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8187 posts

feels like a strike action of some sort so make sure you can get notification before you make the trip to Versailles. We have more than once arrived at a complicated place to find it is closed for a strike

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149 posts

Lizzy_Travel - we also have tickets for June 20 and haven't received an email like that, nothing about a delayed opening. Could you please share the full text here and/or reference link? I couldn't find anything on the website. Thank you!

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34 posts

Sure! See message below. We had a 9:00 entry - maybe if you had one later in the morning they weren't sending it to all?


Delayed opening of the Versailles estate

You purchased a ticket to visit the Estate of Versailles on June 20, 2024 .
However, due to a general meeting of the staff from 9:00 to 10:30 am , the opening of the Estate of Versailles (the Palace, the gardens, ...) will be disrupted .

Therefore, we would like to inform you that your ticket will remain valid for all the slots of the day without contacting us to change your ticket.

In case the entire Estate remains closed, you will be refunded automatically without any action on your part.

You can visit our website or social media: X (formerly known as twitter) and Facebook for more information on the day of your visit.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

Customer Relations Department
Information and Indirect Sales Sector

Castle of Versailles
RP 834
78008 Versailles Cedex

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149 posts

thank you for sharing! Hopefully we didn't get that because we picked later in the day for our tour time.

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8187 posts

IF this ends up in a strike action, you will not have been notified and be standing there at the gate with a sign saying it is closed. Been there, done that. At least keep an eye on strike action information on line so you don't make the journey for nothing.

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34 posts

We ended up booking a morning reservation for the 19th - would rather not have to stress about it!

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8187 posts

good idea -- it is a toss up -- the place may open but when you have an employee union meeting -- well it could also easily end up with the place closing for the day as they hinted in the notice.

if you can avoid that day you are safer.