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December weather in Nice

What is weather like south of France in December? Will be in Nice 5 days end of December. Thanks.

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3601 posts

There are several internet sites which you can use to find monthly average high and low temps, as well as rainfall, for practically any place in the world. Weatherunderground is one. They are much more informative than any individual's experience.

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27142 posts

The great thing about (and no doubt there are others) is that has graphs of actual hour-by-hour temperatures going back about 20 years. Monthly-average temps don't take you very far. You need to know: how cold can it get? how hot can it get? how much rain might there be?

Here's December 2016. Check some other years as well. You'll need to scroll down to see the graphs. Unfortunately, Wunderground doesn't seem to give good rain stats. The weather chart on the city's Wikipedia page tells you how much rain and how many days of rain you would experience in the average December (just calculated through 2010, though; it may have changed since then).