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Christmas in South of France ??

Hello Fellow Travellers,

We are family of three planning to visit France in Dec. Myself and Wife in late forties and son 18. We are looking for some advice on the itinerary we have planned. The hotels have been booked but can be changed since we have booked with fully refundable option. We visited Strasbourg and Chamonix in Sep last year. First time to Paris, South of France and Lyon.

Leaving from Vancouver to Paris on Dec 14th, arriving Dec 15th.
7 nights in Paris, ( taking train to Nice on Dec 22nd)
8 nights in Nice as a base ( Dec 22nd to Dec 30th)
5 nights in Lyon ( Dec 30th to Jan 4th)
1 night Paris airport hotel and leaving Jan 5th.

*Are there any good christmas markets in Paris and Nice? We know Strasbourg has one of the best market however we are looking for markets which are close by and which only needs maximum 1 hour travel time each way.
Is Nice as a good base for 8 nights? we plan to visit Antibe, Eze, Menton, Cannes and Monaco as day trips. ( any other recommendations for places to visit or not to visit)
** Is 5 nights in Lyon a lot ?

Thank you very much !!


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