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Da Vinci exhibit evening tickets

I bought tickets for the Da Vinci exhibit at the Louvre for January 2, 2020 with entrance at 6.30pm. I understand the ticket will give access to the permanent exhibits too, but it looks like that day the museum closes at 5.30pm. Does that mean the Da Vinci exhibit will be open late, but the rest of the museum will close earlier? Does anyone know how I can visit the permanent exhibits with my Da Vinci ticket on that same day? Thanks!

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2805 posts

My understanding is that you will only have access to the exhibit. Having just used an exhibition ticket this week I can tell you that you will not be allowed in early to the museum with that ticket. If you have a ticket for this exhibit you are directed to that line where they sought you into columns bad your time and let In accordingly. There’s no way you will be able to get in early to the museum using that ticket

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8705 posts

That is too bad. There is no reason they couldn't allow people to enter through the other entrances and visit the museum during the day and then line up for the special exhibit at the designated time. It robs the ticket, which is paid for, of some of its value.

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2805 posts

Yes there is a reason. These hours were added just for the exhibit. The time entries for earlier in the day I have already been sold. adding the additional guests would probably overcrowd the museum.

The entire point of the timed entry is to decrease overcrowding.

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8705 posts

Most of the Louvre is not overcrowded most of the time except for a couple of areas. They are selling a Louvre entrance to the collection as well as to the special exhibit; they are depriving people of what they have purchased. If crowding were the issue, they would suggest and allow folks buying those tickets to also reserve an earlier time slot for the museum itself. It is the usual thoughtless management the Louvre has been notorious for the last few months, starting with refusing entry to those with Museum Passes without notice and without a way to reserve time slots. They worked that out but only after thousands who were on a once in a lifetime trip didn't get to see the Louvre through no bad planning of their own.

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2 posts

Thank you All for your comments. I really do not understand how they could not allow exhibit ticket holders to enter the museum earlier in the day and then come back for the exhibit but will make the most of it. I called the museum directly and they said that if I want to visit the permanent collection I should line up with tourists without a ticket. They also added that during the holiday season that line will be very long. Very encouraging!

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2805 posts

Good luck with those guards. They were very “no nonsense” when I was there.

While I understand your desire I also noted in the website they do indicate that only the exhibit is open for those evening tickets.

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10778 posts

I deleted my above answers where I suggested you ask the guards, after looking at the Louvre ticket website. It says very clearly in English that these after-hours tickets are only for the exhibition. Since it's clearly stated, there's no wiggle-room with the guards. You have to buy a regular ticket, in addition, if you want to see the Museum.

These evening hours when the Museum is closed have just been added. A lot of Parisians and Louvre members were not able to obtain timeslots to see the exhibit. Since seeing other areas of the Museum is not their goal, these evening hours work well for them, but not so well for you.