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D-Day SItes

Are the museums/memorials open on Sunday as for a regular week-day? Thanks!

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1205 posts

Most museums are, yes. But I would check with the individual museum(s) you want to visit to confirm their hours of operation. As far as memorials, most are open 24/7—or at least open every day of the week. What is it specifically you want to visit?

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4 posts

I am starting to plan a trip for April 2025. I think Bayeux would be a good place to stay the nights and I just ordered Rick Steves France to help flesh some of this out. The way things are planned now, we would be in Normandy on a Sat/Sun/Mon, leaving on Monday for Mont St. Michel. That's why I was wondering if Sunday would be a wasted day as far as sites were concerned. Thanks for your answer!

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1205 posts

Personally, I think the RS book on France gives very minimal information on the many sites to see in Normandy. And I am guessing by "Normandy" you mean the places associated with the battle of Normandy and D-day? But you should be aware that Mont-Saint-Michel is also in Normandy—as are many sites not as connected with D-day (Rouen, Giverny, Cherbourg, etc.). One thing to be aware of if you happen to leave on a Sunday is that most rental car offices are closed that day—although most of those in Caen have key drop boxes.

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7745 posts

Whatever guidebook you use, it is wise to check directly with locations that are required for your visit to be a success. The next most accurate choice is a nearby TI. But I have met young TI employees who only know their own town. Every book is obsolete as soon as it is printed, everywhere.

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1121 posts

The website has lots of info about American sites in the Normandy DDay area. (And worldwide as well!) One thing you might want to see is the flag-lowering ceremony at the American cemetery there. It was very moving and a fitting cap to our day there. We had a car while there and drove to the beaches and museums we wanted to see and spent longer at those locations than a formal tour would have allowed, so it is our preferred way to visit the area. However you decide to tour the area, try to be at the cemetery for the ceremony. The time will be determined, in general, by when sunset falls. It is not when it starts to get dark, but definitely later in the day.
(And, of course, be sure toi view the tapestry in Bayeux!)