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Current status of riots

We are planning a trip at the end of June/beginning of July and I am wondering about the riots that are going on. I know there is no way of predicting what is going to be happening with this by mid summer but as a general question, are the protests/riots happening only on the weekends? If we plan to be in Paris during the week would we be avoiding this? Thanks

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23325 posts

It is one of the very last things I would be worried about since Paris is huge covering dozens of square miles. Riots, demonstration generally take place around a square, plaza -- relatively small area that can be easily avoided by walking in the other direction.

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3391 posts

These riots are very specifically located and easily avoided. They focus on very specific streets and "places" like the Champs Elysee and Bastille or other visible, high profile spots. If you are just visiting museums and tourist attractions you can avoid it and probably won't even know it's going on. If you are staying at a hotel they will be able to tell you where to not go. Not a worry at all IMHO.