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Credit card metro purchase

I have read articles that say you need a pin to purchase tickets at machines, I don't. I have read others that say ignore that prompt and go on. Which is correct? Also the new Easy Pass is a plastic card, if stopped by inspectors can they tell that it was used? Everything I have seen says keep the ticket till you exit.
Thank you for your help

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4974 posts

Until contactless cards came along, it was supposed to be impossible to use a US credit card in Europe that didn't have the chip and PIN feature. But now it seems all bets are off and you should always try to use whatever card you choose and see what happens.

My experience last year buying metro tickets, I stuck in my card and ask for the carnet of little tickets. The screen asked for my PIN, I hesitated wondering if I should hit cancel, and the transaction went through. If you're concerned, deal with a human they will know what to do. When someplace wants your money, somehow they manage to make things work.

Contactless really did change everything in Paris, and around Europe I assume.

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15133 posts

I've had difficulty using my CC at the machines but I just go to the window and get the staff member to add on to my Navigo. On my part this could be "user error", lol. You can also load your Navigo at a nearby Tabac which sells Navigo passes and tickets.

And yes, you'll add a certain number of rides onto your Navigo Easy. Each time you scan to enter it deducts one so when an inspector uses a scanner on it they can see you've used a "ticket". I presume it tells them where and when you entered. I HAVE had an inspector stop me. A couple of times I just held up the Navigo Easy and they waved me on. Once the person had a scanner and checked the card.

You can also check your Navigo Card to see how many rides you have left as I can never quite keep track. It's on the machines and is a big purple pad you lay the Navigo on, then the number of rides pops up on the screen.

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8784 posts

I just put October passes on my ND early this month for about 75 Euros each. AS usual the US chip/sig credit card was fine. It asked for your pin; you wait; the transaction completes. I have also bought long haul train tickets on machines with no problem. There are limits to how much can be bought this way but it is at least 75 Euros.

Both the ND and the NEasy can be read by the inspector. They can tell if you validated the card and in the case of the ND if you have a current pass that is validated for the ride. These are all smart technology and don't rely on punches or marks just electronic reading and validating.

Posted by
2777 posts

There are very few US banks issuing chip & PIN credit cards. These are cards which require a PIN to authorize any and all transactions. US banks issue chip & signature cards, PINs are not required to authorize purchase transactions, even in France. If a US bank gives you a chip & signature card with a PIN, these PINs are typically not used to authorize transactions but to withdraw cash from an ATM, something you would probably only do in an emergency situation.

Most US banks allow small charges, without specific authorization (or without signature). This is why you can use your card to make ticket kiosk purchases for tickets t+ or to recharge a Navigo card. The authorization threshold varies by bank but is typically under 100€. When making purchases at ticket kiosks, you can ignor any request for a PIN (or you can use any 4 digits you like, they will be ignored).

Keep your ticket or card handy when traveling as you can controlled by inspectors anytime when using the network.

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12315 posts

I've always ended up being able to purchase tickets without a true chip and pin card. Almost every time I've had to go through every card in my wallet a couple times before it works - but ended up with tickets without resorting to cash.

Many US cards are now RFID, tap and go, cards. It seems that has surpassed the pin requirement (at least on my most recent trip to Scandinavia). I'd definitely travel with a card that can do touchless purchases.

Posted by
179 posts

I set up Google Pay on my phone and bought metro tickets at the machines by tapping my phone. It worked perfectly.

Absolutely keep your ticket until you exit. I was stopped by inspectors and they had hand held devices that they can run your card or paper ticket through. Mine was okay but other people were fined on the spot!

Posted by
52 posts

Thank you all for taking the time to provide information.