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Covid concerns in 2024 france

Bonjour all
I will be traveling
To France april 2024
For anyone recently
There ;
Do I need to bring proof of my up to date vaccines?

And mask
What type do u wear if any ?
At the height of the pandemic
N95 I believe were the recommend ones
But now?
Merci for your experience now with Covid concerns in 2024

Posted by
289 posts

Currently no requirement for vaccination or masks. Europeans have moved on from Covid concerns. Most travelers have done the same. Do what feels comfortable for you.

Posted by
15114 posts

No proof of vaccines is needed for France or to get on an airplane leaving the US for France.

I have been wearing N95 masks in the airport and on the plane since 2021. My last trip, August 2023, I masked for the international flights but did not mask for the smaller island flights in Scotland.

For my 2 weeks in France last spring I did not wear a mask on public transit or in museums or other venues. I always have a mask in my purse but did not feel the need to pull it out. You will see very few people masked in France but if you choose to do so I doubt anyone will even give you a 2nd glance.

I do have up-to-date vaccines before I travel. My next international trip is not until October so I will get an updated Covid Vax and updated regular flu vax in early Sept.

Posted by
4962 posts

You're most likely to pick up the cooties in airports and on airplanes, so consider masking up on the plane if you have health concerns.

I was just reviewing some files recently, in 2021 we had to show proof ENTERING France and then had to be tested before EXITING the country. Had to show that carte sanitaire everywhere we went, including a precheck before we could board a TGV.
That was work. And on the TV they were talking about a new strain starting to show up called Omnicron.

Posted by
1420 posts

I always recommend travelers have a supply of N95 masks on hand, whether or not they intend to don them automatically on public transport. N95s are not readily available in Europe in my fairly extensive experience, but in the USA you can get them at Home Depot, Lowes and online pretty easily.

Posted by
9436 posts

My doctor said the cleanest air you’ll ever breathe is on a plane. She said wear a mask in the airport but no need once the plane takes off.

We bring Lysol Wipes and wipe down every thing we’ll touch when flying, but we did that pre-Co.

As Simpgolf said, most people have moved on. Nothing is required.

I just spent all of January in Paris and never saw one person wearing a mask anywhere… métro, TGV, busses, cafés, museums, restaurants, dept stores, grocery stores, etc. I never saw anyone, employees and passengers, wearing a mask at SFO, Dublin Airport or CDG.

Posted by
10813 posts

I just got home from a concert hall here in France with 1,200 other people. I didn't see one mask. Classical music, older crowd, no masks. That said, I do see an individual with a mask once in a while. I masked last week standing under a tree in flower.

If I get on a plane to visit the States, I'll be wearing a N95.
When I fly for 1-2 hours here in Europe, I don't mask.

Posted by
5925 posts

I travel with the over the counter meds I might need if I get covid or another respiratory virus. I also bring a digital thermometer, several N95 masks, and a rapid covid test kit.

I came down with a fever and respiratory virus when I was in France last fall. I was pretty miserable for about 24 hours and spent about 3 days in the hotel until I no longer had a fever. Although I did not test positive for covid, I was glad to have the thermometer and mucinex with me so I didn’t have to run to a pharmacy when I felt terrible. I used a mask when I ran out to the grocery to get food while I was sick.

I had all of those items in my bag on my most recent trip and was pleased that I didn’t need any of them; however, I will continue to carry them.

Posted by
1325 posts

I bring my updated vaccination card with me in my money belt even though it is not currently required. It's the one "just in case" thing that I pack! Oh, and also a few covid tests, so I guess that's two...

Posted by
1173 posts

If you do care, by all means mask up. I just got the latest covid shot on Wednesday.

Bring an N95 at the very least if you are concerned. Otherwise, no one cares about what you do. You may care, but it is not a requirement.

Posted by
10785 posts

I am fully vaxxed and I do wear a mask on the plane or anywhere crowded. I also bring a thermometer, a couple of Covid tests and meds to help with cold/flu symptoms. I’ve had Covid twice, both times while traveling, and both times I got a booster 2-4 weeks before my trips. In September 2022 I got it in Scotland, 3 weeks into my trip. I took every precaution including eating outdoors, though we did eat in B&B breakfast rooms a few times. At that point we had been to Ireland first before going to Scotland and had only used a car for transportation. In December 2023 I tested positive in Germany, almost 2 weeks into the trip. The friend I was traveling with wasn’t feeling well and it turned out to be Covid. When she tested positive I was negative for some days before I was positive as well. Both times I was fortunate to have identical very mild cases, where I only had a tiny throat thing. If I hadn’t tested I never would have known. If you want to wear a mask, don’t worry about what anyone else is doing.

Posted by
308 posts

I agree with Andrea and many of the of the responses. We're currently in Paris and we are seeing a masks here and there, mostly on the metro. We wear masks on the metro, in crowded places, and airports and airplanes. We've seen a few others wearing masks. I had pneumonia right before we left in January, so I'm a bit immune compromised for a little while longer. We did get congested for a bit, my husband for a couple of days and me for longer. We didn't do any testing, just because it might be a bit of a hassle. As for flying on planes with the hepafilters, it may work for the airplane in it's entirety but it won't be helpful if you're sitting next to someone who is contagious.

Posted by
8778 posts

We carry meds, masks, thermometer, blood gas device and tests. And then don't worry about it. I will also get the new vaccine before this coming trip.

No one is masking in Europe -- if you want to on the metro or at a concert you might see one or two others. But it is something you can do if it makes you more comfortable. In spite of vaccines etc I have managed to catch it twice -- both times it was very mild -- in fact the second time, so mild that I only knew because I had a slight cold and tested before joining friends for dinner. I was stunned to test positive as it was not even a bad cold. It was soon gone. So we don't worry about it; the vaccines seem to be working for us.

Posted by
351 posts

A bit of misinformation in some of the responses. I live in France and travel around periodically.

N95s are not readily available in Europe in my fairly extensive experience,

Of course not. That's a U.S. designation. That's like stating that U.S. driver's licenses are not readily available in Europe. European FFP2 masks, which are approximately equivalent to N95 or KN95 masks, are widely available in Europe, though a bit less so now than at the height of the Covid pandemic.

No one is masking in Europe

Not true. One can see masked people at airports, train stations, large markets and stores. They're rare, to be sure, and tend to be elderly, but you can pretty much count on it. You also can find them at hospitals and clinics, but most travelers don't frequent such places. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask than not, do it. No one will care.

Posted by
1532 posts

Interesting that Stuart and Nigel are in England, the same as I am, and both feel that covid is still a concern either for them or for people around them.

As far as I’m concerned it’s ancient history. Nobody is testing if they’re ill, nobody is masking and life is totally back to normal. I work in an environment where social distancing was pretty difficult anyway but there has been no pretence at it for ages now. I never hear anyone express concerns about catching covid. You can’t take time off unless you’re too ill to work just like any other common virus.

It really is a thing of the past and I do think this is the most common current outlook that you’ll find in Europe.

Posted by
9436 posts

un gône de Lyon, A month in Paris this January and 3 days in Strasbourg/Colmar, we did not see one single person wearing a mask anywhere. Not at CDG, not at the train stations, not on the TGV, not in cafés, restaurants, métro, busses, marchés, stores, department stores, grocery stores, museums. No where.

In my experience, as others have said, no one cares anymore and it is ancient history.

Posted by
8778 posts

If someone is hospitalized they are not having a 'mild' case and of course immunocompromised people should always be more careful than others. COVID like Flu is now endemic -- it will be there the rest of our lives mutating and requiring new variants of vaccines.

I always carry masks. I wear them in the airport but maybe not on the plane -- but if I notice anyone near me with a 'cold' -- well maybe it isn't COVID but I don't want a cold either so I put the mask on. Decades ago we usually ended up with a cold after a transatlantic flight which really made parts of the trip miserable. And it was particularly bad when smoking was allowed on planes. But one side effect of masking is it does protect against other respiratory illness.

Posted by
10813 posts

Here's one of my theories. In much of Europe, we have much more human contact on a daily basis in subways, trains, busses, trams, group lunches with co-workers, working in an office and not from home, interacting at the market, etc. So we are exposed continuously to whatever is out there and have built up a bit more immunity. At this point we approach Covid the same way we approach getting any respiratory disease and don't test for COVID-19 but would see a MD if feverish. It could be bronchitis or pneumonia.

"It is unfortunate that so much of Europe missed the opportunity to fully appreciate how viruses like Covid are transmitted and to encourage prevention particularly in crowded areas such as transit. We know it’s not a virus to get again and again."

Actually Claire, I am so thankful to be living in a society that controlled exposure with the Pass Sanitaire, values human contact, and has given us the freedom to go back to living the way we did before the C-19 epidemic started. We missed no opportunities and see Covid as an event just like a cold, which, by the way began as a covid virus, too. People who need to shield from C-19 need to shield from flu and many other diseases. Some of us living in most of Europe need more precautions, some don't.

However, Americans who have not been exposed as much as we have do need to be more careful. People living in a car culture, not socializing as before, working from home, etc. do need to be careful when they set foot over here if they haven't built up the same immunity yet. Vaccines do some of the work; for us, human interaction is doing the rest.

I did catch a runny-nose, slight cough C-19 in the plane going to the US to visit last fall. A young American was ill in the seat in front of me, caught here in Europe. 8.5 hours of being bombarded by his virus and wearing only a surgical mask gave me the cough and runny nose.

So N95 in the plane and you decide how mask-free or not you can be.
My 2-centimes.

Posted by
2176 posts

I just got back from two weeks in Mexico and we all wore our N95s in cabs, the airport and the plane.
I’m heading to Poland in September and will have a good supply of masks and meds with me to use if needed. I’ll be on a tour and definitely will mask on the bus. I don’t find masks uncomfortable.
Take some masks, some tests and over the counter meds to help with symptoms if you are unfortunate to contract it.

Posted by
1532 posts

Of course covid the virus is still around in Europe. That’s not going anywhere.

What we don’t have anymore (on the whole) are masking, social distancing, testing or worrying. There are obviously a small number of people who are still making lifestyle adaptations but that’s not a part of my experience across all age groups. My mother in law is 87 in supported living and they are having numerous parties and events with no covid mitigations.

Posted by
120 posts

Bonjour Dianna

Our Covid experiences / concerns:

We always wear a mask on the plane since covid – few others do but that’s silly to us since the air is recycled – yes it’s uncomfortable but nothing compare to the virus we caught last autumn

The only time we caught covid was when we were unable to get our vaccine before traveling to Europe in late Sept. 2023, our 2 weeks vacation was cut to 2 days and we were very sick

Yes N95 are the proven mask that fit tight enough to protect the wearer if wore correctly covering the nose and mouth

We will wear mask in taxis and if we go on public transportation and other indoor crowded places

We are going to France in April 2024 and got our vaccine March 1st.
We are going to Greece in October 2024 and will get the vaccine in September.

We will bring a copy of our new vaccine card.

Happy Travels – stay well

Posted by
5023 posts

My experience is not related to France, so not helpful to the OP. And several have given factual answers to the specific questions.

In the past 12 months, I have traveled in Albania, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Spain, Austria (not Vienna), Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and London - just finished a 2 week trip in Norway. I do see occasional masks in some places but by and large none. Purely anecdotal but I do think I saw more sporadic wearing in London in December. Everywhere I have seen a few masks but nowhere have I seen very many.

I myself haven’t worn one since they stopped being required. I also haven’t come down with Covid - but that is irrelevant to anyone else’s experience.

The OP should do what makes them feel comfortable enough to enjoy this trip. And we can all keep from passing judgement on what that entails for all the rest of us.

Posted by
58 posts

I usually wear a good mask on the plane, and actually put one on a few times when the Paris metro was very crowded! I don't want to get covid, the flu or a bad cold when traveling if I can help it. I say pack cold and flu meds, wear a mask if and when you feel like it and don't worry about what others may think. Above all, have a great trip and keep on traveling.

Posted by
1532 posts

Nobody minds if you wear a mask. When we say mask wearing is not common in Europe that does not mean it’s an issue of someone does choose to wear one. It was mandated for a time and now it’s personal choice. Travellers may wish to be aware that virtually no one wears masks but they must make their own decisions.