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corkscrew carry on

we got the nice Rick Steves 'picnic' set, with metal corkscrew. does any one know if that will go thru security?

also--what about nail clippers? (I'm getting into the details of packing here!)

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21751 posts

As long as the corkscrew does not have one of those tiny knives for cutting the foil. Lost one for that reason. Never had a problem with nail clippers.

Posted by
4074 posts

As for departing the US, go to the TSA Twitter site and ask. They respond quickly. I don’t know about the corkscrew; I have traveled with nail clippers and never had a problem.

Don’t know about France. If you don’t get an answer and are planning to check luggage, put both in the checked luggage.

Posted by
1194 posts

Hi from Wisconsin,
An one once you get there. A keep sake of the trip.

wayne iNWI

Posted by
4657 posts

I had a TSA approved corkscrew for a number of years, and on many carry on only flights on various continents, but it was confiscated when leaving Grand Cayman Islands 3 years ago. I said it had passed many other times, but they opened the screw part and looked at the point and just looked at me with a 'really? you don't think this is sharp enough to do damage?' look....YMMV

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8822 posts

It is stupid, but I wouldn't do it. 9/11 didn't happen because of box cutters; it happened because airline policy was to cooperate with hijackers -- this was the best way to assure people's safety until 9/11 when it wasn't.

The idea that someone could take a plane with a corkscrew is ridiculous -- but it is still likely to be taken just as tiny pocket knives, scissors, nail clippers and other innocuous things are. (and then with dinner you get a nice metal dinner knife at least in Business class)

As an old lady I really feel this policy as nothing can be opened without tools anymore and the small scissors and clippers that make it possible to open packaging are not allowed on planes.

Posted by
82 posts

I had a corkscrew in carryon luggage confiscated when returning from Italy some years ago. I agree with the suggestion to buy one when you arrive at your destination and plan on leaving it there. Also, plan to give it plenty of use while on your trip!

Posted by
8369 posts

The problem comes down to the difference between requirements for TSA vs those in EU member countries.

For TSA (US airports), likely no problem. In fact, they specifically mention corkscrews as "OK".

However, in EU airports, they use the rule of "any sharp objects that might be used as a weapon" and specifically mention corkscrews as non-compliant.

Of course in both instances, the decision as to "OK"/"Not OK" is up to the individual agent doing the screening.

If you will be arriving on a direct flight from the US, take it, consider tossing it in a checked bag on return, or just leave it in a hotel room or apartment.

If you will be taking intra-EU flights, then consider just finding one wherever you are at. Hotels usually have one, most apartments as well, and worst case, you can pick up one cheap.

I happen to have one I "stole" from a hotel room, it is all plastic, except for a small piece of metal used to open bottle tops. I have made a dozen trips with it in my carry on with no issues, basically it is never seen on x-ray (or at least not mentioned).

Posted by
21751 posts

In fact, EU security at Duesseldorf had no issue with our corkscrew, but TSA at Toronto airport did because of the 1 inch blade.

Posted by
11848 posts

I can’t tell you how many corkscrews we have bought and left in Europe.

Posted by
181 posts

I bought a $10 one with no blade on AMZN and will take to EU next month, and have a screenshot from the TSA website showing it’s permitted but agents can deny, if they do it’s a small loss.

Posted by
3398 posts

I have a TSA-approved corkscrew that I bought off of Amazon - it has traveled all over the world with me. It always gets taken out and measured but, apparently, it's under the maximum length allowed so I've always had no problem.

Posted by
1305 posts

This is one of the primary reasons I always check one piece of luggage. I always bring a corkscrew, and a folding pocket knife. Both come in very handy for picnics (plus a small cutting board and cloth napkin). And after a 6+ hour flight, waiting for one piece of luggage really isn't so terrible.

Posted by
6 posts

Nail clippers and small nail scissors have never been an issue. However, like MariaF, I had a TSA Approved corkscrew that got confiscated leaving Grand Cayman last year as well.

Posted by
264 posts

I had my watier's corkscrew taken by TSA in Cleveland. Mission in Frankfurt was to purchase a corkscrew asap. The only one we found was a well-made Peugeot model priced at @25 euro! Ironically, every bottle of wine we purchased on that trip had a screwtop! But that corkscrew has become my husband's favorite so well worth the story and the price!