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Cooking class in the Dordogne?

Six of us would like to take a cooking class while we're in the Dordogne in early June. A half day class would be great. We're staying in Domme, but will have a car.

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137 posts

I DID google first but only turned up two and only one had a working website. Thanks so much for sending this link!


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112 posts

You're welcome but I hope you try googling again using the phrases I suggested because I found lots of results that don't show up on that website.

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2076 posts

Most cooking classes in the Dordogne are devoted to local products such as foie gras, confits, truffles, etc.
Generally they take place over 2 or 3 days in farmhouse inns with accommodation included, and most of the time are in French. Many French tourists come to learn how to make foie gras, confits or duck paté.

In addition, the current avian flu crisis has seriously compromised certain activities related to the breeding of geese and ducks.

Check this one anyway:

I don't know what it's worth, the chef is an Englishman living in the region, so the French people don't trust him for cooking -:))

Otherwise ask to the Tourist Office when you will be in the region

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137 posts

Thanks for all the suggestions. Mystique, I googled again, both in English and cut and pasted your French. I followed through on the listings (after limiting dates to the past two years) and still came up with only one real website. The others were for 3-4 day tours, stays at gites, and restaurants that had no links to cooking classes. I emailed a few of them. We'll see.

Again, thanks for your help. Our friends will be staying in the area for several weeks before we arrive, and will look at local resources.

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1 posts

We have been running cookery courses here in the Dordogne near Sarlat for almost 20 years. In fact we are mentioned in one of Rick Steves books. We would be delighted to host your group. You can find more information at and our accommodation at
Hope we get to meet you soon.