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Cooking class in Paris - suggestions

Hello! Can anyone recommend a good cooking class in Paris? I have seen a few that are item-specific (croissants, baguettes, etc.) and some that are trips to a market followed by cooking a meal. I think I prefer the market + cooking a meal option. Has anyone done that before and is there a particular school/company you'd recommend? Merci!

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33 posts

"Cooking With Class" near Montmartre was a great experience for me. I took a dessert class and we made eclairs, chocolate sauce, and chouquettes. They have a kitchen/cooking studio and small groups (mine had 5 people).

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5788 posts

I’d also recommend Cook’n with Class. I’ve taken about half a dozen classes with them over the years and they have all been excellent. I enjoyed them so much that I took their week-long class in Uzes last fall. Their website is

I also took a souffle class with La Cuisine and enjoyed it.

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43 posts

I have done classes at both Cookin’ With Class (CWC) and Le Cuisine. I buy far prefer cooking with class, they are a little bit more expensive but it’s totally worth it because the experience is much nicer. I’ve done market day classes, quite honestly I’ve done almost all of their classes over the years, new is a Bistrot class which I am signed up for in a couple of weeks. So I’ll put my recommendations along with the others for cooking with class.

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3873 posts

I've done both Cook'n With Class and Le Cuisine. I like both. The only things I do not like about CWC is the name which I find unbelievably corny and its location. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with its location; it's just that it is hike from where I usually stay in Le Marais. I have not done a Le Foodist class but I have heard that they are also good. If you are staying in the 7th, you might want to consider Charlotte Puckett's class that includes a market tour and lunch.