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Are metro tickets are available for purchase on TGV trains?

I’m traveling from Stuttgart to St-Pierre-des-Corps (nr Tours) and have purchased a train ticket on TGV INOUI

The first train goes Stuttgart to Paris ‘Est, the second Gare Montparnasse to St-Pierre-des-Corps, so I will need to go between the two stations via the metro.

Question: Are metro tickets available for purchase from the conductor or in the bar/ café.


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112 posts

You can buy them on your phone, and scan that for the turnstiles.

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10019 posts

To purchase tickets for your phone, download the IDF Mobilités app and create an account.

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10510 posts

Here’s a video instructing how to use your telephone to buy a ticket. It looks easy enough that even I understood it.

Sometimes the train buffet car does run out of tickets. You should be able to do this while still in Germany.

Ticket machines confuse me whether in Paris, Washington DC, or elsewhere. Bon voyage.

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55 posts

Thanks everyone for your helpful advice ;oD

UPDATE: my ticket purchases online (IDF Mobilites) AND my train purchase tickets… neither worked at the turnstile! LOL! An assistant took pity and let me through the gate.

(I have no idea why the online ticket did not work, but I have been advised that my paper ticket was likely inactivated by the magnet in my iPhone case/wallet. So if you buy a paper ticket, be sure you avoid putting it anywhere near a magnet, who’d-a-thunk.!)

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4742 posts

and THIS is why I'm a Luddite and prefer paper tickets

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2376 posts

And this is why turnstiles are a misfeature in public transit...

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14760 posts

I only use paper tickets for the Metro and RER, never fails in getting me through the turnstiles; I buy them in batches from the ticket machines in Metro stations.