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Cobblestone Paris - Problems with Communication?

On the recommendation of the Paris book, I booked several nights through Cobblestone Paris last week for a week in April of this year. My card was charged for the deposit and the unit I booked is showing blocked out during the time I booked it. However, I never received a confirmation email for the reservation.

In order to find out if my reservation is good I have:
Tried the Contact Us form on their website (twice)
Emailed them at [email protected]
Posted on their Facebook page
Sent them a Facebook Message

All of these were spread out (I didn't try them all the same day). I have received absolutely ZERO communications from them so far. The charge on my card cleared today, so I think I'm ok, but the lack of communication over the past 6 days is not reassuring. Is this normal for Cobblestone Paris? Or does anyone have a phone number to call for them? Not feeling great about the reservation at this point.


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10833 posts

January is low season. They could be on vacation. I know you’d feel better with a confirmation now, but just give it some time. Sometimes things move more slowly in France.

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34571 posts

just to be sure that their reply didn't get lost on its way to you, did you check your spam filter/folder?

Posted by
143 posts

What Bets said above. It may be slow right now in their office. I stayed at one of their apartments just before Christmas, and the communication was fine. Once you get there, you'll have a local helper who will meet you and take care of any questions or concerns during your stay. Ours was very responsive when the internet went out briefly.

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2783 posts

I cannot find the government required, 13 digit registration number on any of the Cobblestone Paris apartment offerings. Did I just miss them?

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34571 posts

It is correct that they make no mention of the mandatory to mention 13 digit registration number on any of their properties that I checked. They also plug Uber - slower than taxis but they like 'em.

Posted by
2810 posts

I have noticed almost none of the rental companies seem to be, including this 13 digit code, probably because they don’t have it. I’ve also noticed that the fact that you have one on Airbnb only means you have 13 digits. It doesn’t mean they’re legitimately registered

It’s a risk renting in Paris right now. I know someone who owns a Paris apartment Because it’s her second home she can’t legally rent it. She is renting it and luckily so far it’s going well but she could get shut down. In her case, she will still be able to deal with the financial commitment she’s made. But she has talked to other owners who would probably have to sell their unit if they quit renting them. I’ve never rented her unit because it’s much more than I need and I don’t know her well enough to get it for a discount.🙂

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2783 posts

I would agree with Carol that a missing registration number is rather indicative of an owner not having one. Registering an apartment is done online in minutes, but it also brings you to the attention of city inspectors. Not registering does not mean, however, that an owner will escape the scrutiny of inspectors. The city has dozens of inspectors who scan websites, looking for illegal rentals, and developing cases to be presented in court. Sometimes, neighbors, unhappy with the constant coming and going of strangers in their building, contact city inspectors themselves.

What the owner risks is a 50,000€ fine per apartment rented illegally and having it forceable removed from the short term marketplace.

What the visitor risks is losing his vacation accommodations, sometimes on very short notice.

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4102 posts

I know that the Rick Steves guide suggest Cobblestone and that people have had good experiences with them. I also know from my own experiences with them when I was looking for an apartment to purchase that they are quite aware of the applicable rules and regulations and will refuse to work with you if for some reason they conclude that you are working with or are a city inspector.

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3 posts

Just to close the loop - I just got a text from Cobblestone confirming my booking.