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Climbing up in the organ at Saint Sulpice in Paris

In one of his episodes, Rick Steves climbed up into the organ at Saint Sulpice. In my searching, it appears that maybe that is not an option anymore. Does anyone know if it is still possible? And, if it is, do you know at what times? Thanks!

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3122 posts

I don't know the answer, but just wanted to share that my 2 attempts to go up into the organ at Chartres Cathedral failed. About 20 years apart.

First time, the ticket agent refused to sell me a ticket to the tour that would go up into the organ because she said my French wasn't good enough: "vous n'allez pas comprendre le commentaire." I replied in French, "mais on peut regarder, n'est-ce pas?" but she just gave me a snooty look and said "non."

Second time, I didn't know ahead of time (my bad, could have researched it, I suppose) that the organ was under restoration so closed to visitors. Oh well...

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3256 posts

Go and hear it being played anyway.
I think it's after Sunday morning mass.

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3392 posts

Yes! After mass the organist plays for quite a while and it's spectacular. Well worth going!

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2466 posts

Go and listen. You can't go up to the organ at Saint-Sulpice. RS has privileges others don't - it's a TV show...