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Christmas Eve Midnight Mass @ Notre Dame in Paris

I recently saw video of Christmas Eve Midnight Mass at Notre Dame and the person was recording from outside above the crowd. The sanctuary looked filled to capacity and hundreds of people standing outside watching the big screen (showing the proceedings inside) that was posted outside. I am hoping that someone can tell me what time I should arrive to get a seat inside. Any ideas? I figured it would be crowded, but it was crazy. I will be in Paris over Christmas this year and would like to celebrate Christmas Eve Midnight Mass there. I will be staying on the Isle de St. Louis. Thank you all, in advance.

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196 posts

Hey Trish,

I've done this once and it is a great experience. A couple of things: there are no tickets sold for this so it is first come, first served. And yes, it will be crowded but not uncomfortably so in the pews. There are a couple of masses celebrated earlier in the evening, the last one ending about 9:30 PM. To ensure a seat, I would try to be there by 10 PM (or when the preceding Mass ends-people leave, other people take their seats). You won't be bored waiting - usually the organ is playing. The celebration starts around 11 PM with the actual Mass beginning around 11:30-midnight. There are also a series of masses beginning early Christmas morning (8 AM?) including a Gregorian Mass. Most of the major churches in Paris also do midnight mass and Christmas day mass as an alternative. Enjoy!

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38 posts

Tom-Thanks so much! I had this idea to do this, but the crowds in the video surprised me. I'll do my best to be there around 2200 and hopefully that will give me plenty of time.