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Chantilly to Gare de l'Est

Traveling from Chantilly to Colmar. The train from Chantilly to Paris first stops at Gare de Nord. We then need to travel to Gare de l'Est to catch the train to Colmar. I believe the Metro connects the two stations. Is it an easy transfer for travelers, each with a suitcase?

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It is about a 10 minute walk above ground and will probably take that long by train. You will enter the station on Level 0 (surface level) on and Line 4 is on Level -2 and there you just take Line 4 one stop. I prefer the above-ground walk but then again, I really do not like Line 4. I think that it will take you 10 minutes to get your bearings and walk to the metro part of the station, get to the metro platform, and get the train to Gare de l'Est.