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Central Paris safety late at night?

I am not an alarmist when traveling but try to be aware of situations which might suggest caution. I've travelled to Paris twice and never had any problems despite walking with only one other person in the late evening.

I will soon be visiting Paris with my 14 year old grandson and we couldn't get Eiffel Tower tickets before 10 PM. We will be making our way back to the Marais (near place de Vosges a distance of 5.5 KM) after 11pm.

Do you think it is safe to ride the meter city Metro that late in the evening. Does anyone have a guess for how expensive a taxi would be? Do Taxis take cash / card/ both?

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8815 posts

We often go to the Bastille Opera and we stay either deep in the 17th or the 13th so both require midnight trips across town on the metro. Paris and the metro are hopping at night. The metro will be full of couples, friends, family groups etc till it closes. We have never had issues at all at night in Paris either walking or on the metro. Our biggest problem with the opera is that it is very full and we often wait for a later train and let the first wave pass.

I don't know where you live, but Paris is not like the US with armed and dangerous people unpredictably out and about at night or areas of the city where you would be nuts to go at night or perhaps even in the day. there is literally nowhere in the city of Paris that I am afraid of at night (we are not out at 2 am -- but often return to ouer apartment at midnight or shortly thereafter.) We have walked from Montmartre around Barbes to an apartment near square Batignolles late at night after visiting friends. On a nice night it is a beautiful walk; on a rainy night we catch the train.

You will be in Central Paris -- I would not give this a thought. (the trains are a bit safer from pickpockets at this hour because they like to go home too -- you must however always be pickpocket proof when on public transport and the Eiffel Tower is a great place to lose your wallet -- so don't carry many valuables and stow them safely out of reach

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229 posts

I think you'll find lots of other people out and about, even that late. I've been out at the time and never worry. You'll be fine on the Métro, but if you're anxious, take a taxi. They all take cash. They're all supposed to take cards (by law) but will often try to tell you the machine is broken. Just jump in the next taxi if they do.

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892 posts

Oh, and if when you go to the next taxi, they suddenly realize their machine is fixed get in the next taxi anyway.

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10505 posts

You will be fine between Eiffel Tower and Place des Vosges at that time of night - or anytime.