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Central Heating?

Hi, We are planning to stay 2 nights in Paris this July before taking train to Lourdes. We are looking to stay at montparnasse area as we plan to take the earliest train to Lourdes. There are aparments that says central heating. I am not sure if it includes aircon or just heating as the word says. Thanks.

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5697 posts

Pretty much, if something is not mentioned in the listing, it is NOT there. Don't expect A/C.

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8889 posts

Central Heating means precisely that, heating to keep you warm. Not needed in July, but necessary in winter.
Air conditioning in an apartment would be very unusual in Europe, especially north of the Alps.

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4684 posts

Central heating means that the apartment is heated by radiators in each room with a central boiler, rather than open fires or separate stoves or heaters in different rooms. It does not mean air-conditioning.

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8466 posts

The 'central heating' in every apartment we have rented for the last few years has been run from the hot water unit and thus is easily managed by the tenant. It is great heating -- you turn it up and the place warms up immediately. It has nothing to do with AC and it is rare to find AC in apartments. Good AC requires noisy external units and those are pretty heavily regulated so as not to annoy everyone else. The portable 'penquino' units are worthless as AC and in our experience of three of them, musty and worse than just opening a window.

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11507 posts

It makes little sense to rent an apartment for only two nights , most want a three day minimum and will often add a short stay fee . As mentioned it far less common for apartments to have ac . If they don't specifically say ac , they don't have it .

It's much easier to find a hotel with ac . , and I recommend you do .

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6713 posts

Like Pat, I'd recommend a hotel for such a short stay, and I'd recommend AC in July. You need to look for this on a hotel website, but if they have it they will definitely mention it!

Posted by
735 posts

Thanks a lot. We would definitely want an ac in July so with your advices, we will be looking at hotels with ac.