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CDG to Odeon Hotel (address) 3 Rue de l'Odeon using public transportation

Best way to get from CDG to Odeon Hotel, address 3 Rue de l'Odeon using public transportation. Will be arriving on 3 April, Monday approx. 11:00. Approximate price? Thanks in advance

Posted by
8732 posts

This ones easy; take the train from the airport RER B to Gare du Nord and change to the metro line 4. You use the same ticket just follow the signs when you get to Nord, it is well signed. You will use the ticket to exit the RER and put the same ticket in the stile for the #4 metro. Take the metro direction Mairie du Montrouge and get off at Odeon. there are local maps in the station so you can orient yourself to make the walk to the hotel. I would map out the walk from the station to the hotel on google maps so you know where you are going. I don't know what the stair/escalator situation is at Odeon station but assume you will be walking up and down some stairs with your luggage. If you can't easily manage luggage on the trains and stairs then take a cab which will cost 55 for 4 people and their luggage. Be sure you are pick pocket proof on all transit and this is especially important when you are tired, encumbered with all your luggage and feeling clueless. Never have valuables in backpacks or pockets.

Posted by
21492 posts

Take the RER B train and change to the Metro to Odeon. Now there are several stations to switch to the Metro, but my preference is to get off at Les Halles and change to the No 4 Metro line and go 4 stops to Odeon. The No 4 station at Les Halles is off a side tunnel from the RER platforms, so it is pretty easy. Les Halles-Chatelet is the largest station on the transport system and something of a maze, but this one is easy.
Cost is 10 EUR.

Posted by
168 posts

Thanks but is there no way to do this without changing, as I'll have luggage.

Posted by
8293 posts

I guess the only way to get directly from the airport to your hotel door is by taxi. If you are two or more people it is not that expensive and it is so, so convenient if you arrive jet lagged and frazzled.

Posted by
8732 posts

If you have luggage you cannot easily manage on stairs, sometimes a lot of stairs, then you take a cab for 55 from the airport. There is no way to go by train to your destination without changing to the metro.

Posted by
1283 posts

I will caution that I have not done this yet, but I am staying right near there this fall. And when I look at it, it seems you could simply take the RER B to the Luxembourg stop, and walk eight minutes to your hotel. At least that's what I am planning to do. I'd much rather walk eight minutes anywhere than change from the RER to the Metro with luggage.

Posted by
168 posts

Received a reply back from the hotel. Their suggestion was "RER line "B" to the "Luxembourg" stop, which is approximately 5 minutes walk away from the hotel. Less than 1 hour total for about 10 Euro per person. Easy if you travel light and avoid the rush hours." We've taken the RER line from CDG to St. Michel stop years ago, never had to change and the stairs were manageable with one suitcase each. Looks like the Hotel's suggestion is spot on as there would be no change involved.

Posted by
21492 posts

However, you can take the RER B as far as St Michel-Notre Dame. There are escalators to the platform at the airport, and maybe elevators as well. At St Michel, there is an elevator to street level. Now it is a cheap taxi ride to your hotel, only 1/4 mile. It may even be walkable, if you are a devotee Rick and pack light.

Edit, While fact checking you replied with new info. I was thinking St Michel, but Luxembourg works just as well.
St Michel might be just a bit closer, but I know the escalator at Luxembourg is easier than hunting out the elevator at St Michel. And it is mostly downhill (very small grade).

Posted by
2466 posts

But if you are tired, and have a lot of luggage to manage, you might as well go outside the station to the official TAXI stand. It is located at the corner of rue Soufflot and Boulevard Saint Michel. Look for it using Google Maps.
Remember that only legitimate taxi drivers remain in their vehicles - do not go with anyone who approaches you on foot.
Hand the driver the complete printed address of your hotel, including the Postal Code, so there won't be any confusion.

You will pay 50 EU for up to 4 passengers, and there is no luggage fee. Tip the driver if he helps with the luggage - 2 EU is plenty.

Posted by
21492 posts

@ chexbres. Are saying it is 50 EUR flat rate from the corner of rue Soufflot and Boulevard Saint Michel to Odeon with a taxi? Wow, I didn't think they were that expensive.

Posted by
8732 posts

I think there is a mistype here -- it is 50 to the right bank and 55 to the left bank from the airport (CDG) not from St. MIchel which is on the meter, so who knows, but I'd guess closer to 10-15 than 50.

Posted by
4074 posts

candi, I don't think that the walk from Luxembourg RER station to 3 rue de l'Odéon (Odéon Hotel) takes 5 minutes with luggage. Maybe it takes the people who work at the hotel and know exactly where they are going and are not dealing with luggage that long but going the shortest route it is about 3/4 of a kilometer and should take about 10 minutes. It is a nice walk, by the way.

Posted by
9437 posts

Candi, looks like PharmerPhil was also spot on in the post right above your last one.

Posted by
3627 posts

I've just looked at it on Google Maps.
It will take you 11-15 minutes walk from the Luxembourg RER Station, and about the same from the St. Michel RER station; assuming you have the exact directions.
I don't know about the St. Michel station; but I know for a fact that Lux. has escalators up to the street, and they were both working last week when I was there.
I stayed right on Boul. St. Michel for 10 days, and used the station frequently.
Now: the Lux. Station has two exits.
When you get off the train there; turn to your left along the platform,and use that exit; it will be closer to your walking route to your hotel.
If that escalator is not working, go back again, and walk along the platform to the right (train tracks behind you), to see if the other one is working.
If you have to use that one, turn around 180 degrees at the street level,and walk along B. St. Michel; keeping the Ecole Des Mines on the other side of the street to your left, as a reference that you are going the right way along.
You'll soon see the Luxembourg Gardens on the other side of the street to your left , but don't go through them, as sometimes the exit on the other side where you want to exit, nearer your hotel may be blocked off.
Go past the gardens, and turn left onto Rue des Medicis. It's only 2 minutes.
Then turn right on Rue Rotrou, then left onto Rue de LÓdeon, and your hotel is just along about 3/4 of a block.
The RER costs E10.
Keep your bag right with you on the RER train the whole time, and don't sit near an exit where someone could grab your bag and jump off as the doors are closing.

Posted by
21492 posts

Thanks S Jackson. I too have used Luxembourg station a few times and knew the escalators where on the east side of Boulevard St Michel, but I could not remember if there was a mezzanine (must be now that I think about it) and which side of the tracks RER trains run on. Research confirms that they do run on the left, the "British" side of the tracks, as do French railways, but Metro runs on the right side, same as French auto traffic does. So yes, the shortest way is to turn to the left, or opposite the direction the train is traveling. Interesting, the platform and escalator exits are 1000 ft end to end. So finding the north escalator not working and going back to the south exit, then turning north again at the street level could add 2000 ft to the walk, just about doubling it. Maybe I would think about humping the luggage up the stairs at that point!

Posted by
2466 posts

Sorry - I meant going directly from CDG to your hotel.
The minimum rate for a taxi is currently 7 EU - even if you are going just one block.
Getting to your hotel from the RER station would cost about 7 or 8 EU, depending on traffic.
If you don't have a lot of luggage, and if it's a nice day, I'd walk from the RER to your hotel.

Posted by
168 posts

The hotel clarified the directions from CDG, telling me now that I do need to switch at St. Michel to Odeon station unless we wanted to walk 10-12 minutes with our luggage. I'd rather switch at St. Michel to Odeon. Do we need to purchase a new ticket once we leave St. Michel to Odeon station? Confused as to whether I buy a ticket directly to Odeon station at CDG or to St. Michel station and then buy a ticket to Odeon? If that's the case, where would we buy the Odeon ticket? Thanks.

Posted by
21492 posts

No, your 10 EUR ticket gets you to anywhere in Paris that has Metro coverage. You will need to hang on to your ticket to exit the RER station, but it is a free transfer on to the Metro to anywhere in Paris as long as you stay underground and do not exit the system to street level.

Posted by
3627 posts

But remember: you will be lugging your suitcase up and down stairs if you do the transfer.
There are no internal escalators and very few elevators in the Paris Metro system.
If it was me, I'd be doing the walk from Luxembourg for sure, as you are all on one level after reaching the street leaving the station.
I'm 63 with a bad knee and back, and would not choose to transfer between stations with heavy luggage.
Either that , or you have to pack so you can lift your own bag up and down at least 20 -50 steps, and multiple levels (the trains are all on different levels) between the RER and the Metro.

Posted by
168 posts

Thanks! I'm glad I posted this question as the hotel told me at first to take the RER to St. Michel and then a 5 min walk to the hotel. After a second email to the hotel I was told I would have to change at St. Michel to Odeon and would need to purchase a new ticket. So I have options, just need to figure out which is best for us. I'd rather not walk far with our luggage, my husband can carry the luggage up stairs, no problem.

Posted by
1170 posts

If you're arriving from the US, the easiest no hassle way is taking a cab from CDG. With the fixed rate of €55 it will be worth it! You don't want to try negotiating changing from the train to metro plus walking the last few minutes to the hotel with your luggage. Meanwhile, you're dealing with that half zombie jet lagged feeling. That's just miserable.

Posted by
5697 posts

It depends on what you consider "best" -- for us, going to an apartment near the Odeon, taking the RER from CDG to the Luxembourg station and then walking is easy enough and the €30 difference (for two) between cab and train can buy a few Nutella crepes. (And if you're buying a Navigo Decouverte weekly transit pass, the RER is included.)

Posted by
3627 posts

I'd take a cab if you don't want to walk with luggage.
As I said before: the RER trains are on different levels in stations to the Metro trains.
You WILL be walking up and down stairs with all your bags when you transfer between the two, or possible even just to get out of the station to street level from the RER.
The escalators at Luxembourg do work.
Can you let us know what you did in the end?!

Posted by
168 posts

Thanks for all the input. We got off at Luxembourg station (escalators were working) and walked approx. 8 mins to the hotel with no issues. We bought a train/RER pass for 2 adults at the airport for two adults that let us use the trains throughout the city and to Versailles for our four day station that came in extremely handy!

Posted by
10445 posts

Candi, thanks for coming back and letting us know! Hope you had a great visit.

Posted by
3627 posts

That's great!
I'm so glad my advice was useful!
You sound like you enjoyed your trip; isn't Paris wonderful!?

Posted by
168 posts

Yes it was but Paris is actually one of my least favorite cities in the world. Had to be in Paris for research for a client, only three days in Paris before a relaxing time in Greece.