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CDG to Bayeux - Best Route & Grocery Store

I see a few different options for traveling to Bayeux from CDG (via rental car). We will be renting a car on a Saturday around 10:30am in July. Is there a preferred route to take?

Also, can anyone recommend a good grocery store on the way from CDG to Bayeux?

Thanks for your recommendations.

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509 posts

The surprisingly charming village of Roissey-en-France is immedietely adjacent to CDG (and home to several airport hotels). There's a small market on one of its 3-4 streets at which we picked up snacks a few years ago. It's not a supermarket by any means, but might have what you need.

Carrefour Express. 3 Place du Pays de France, 95700 Roissy-en-France, France

(I was surprised a minute ago while verifying location on GoogleMaps. I clicked on the button showing the store's location and a page popped up with details and an exterior photo. Clicking on the photo brought up a series of interior shots showing the aisles and wares. It's bigger than I recalled. You can probably figure out if they have what you'll need. This giant link might take you right to it (I've exhausted my internet skills; good luck!):,2.5160068,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipN0IzazY5Mk4d0sAnO4WFow-yg_6i39ceFUhl8m!2e10!3e12!!7i3096!8i4128!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x47e61584d66f7303:0x3583f617d3858bad!2s95700+Roissy-en-France,+France!3b1!8m2!3d49.00363!4d2.516978!3m4!1s0x47e61582af0da631:0x4a43f4c787803c6c!8m2!3d49.0043795!4d2.5160059?hl=en)

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121 posts

Thanks for the grocery store recommendations.

Any advise on the best auto route from CDG to Bayeux?

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1295 posts

I just follow my GPS. The large auto-routes are the quickest. And once you get out of the city proper, it is nice landscape.