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CDG report

We landed CDG @ 7:50 AM 4/11. Long walk to passport control. Massive crowd but it moved right along maybe 20 minutes max. Face recognition and a.cursory look at my passport and on through baggage and a walk-thru at customs. 1:10 hr from touchdown. The Gare was totally mobbed, we adjourned to the Sheraton lounge to get out of the chaos. We easily made our train to Strasbourg. All in all pretty manageable.

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759 posts

We landed on 4/13 @ 1pm. Long walk to passport control. Not crowded at all in passport control. Got our luggage fairly straight away. Short line at official taxi stand.

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8447 posts

I came in a week ago. Last spring it took us nearly two hours through passport control where they were funneling all Americans and Canadians through ONE automatic gate that no one knew how to use. Last fall, it took abut 45 minutes but the plane itself was two hours late. This spring, it took no time at all at passport control once we made the long walk there. There was one person ahead of me at the automatic gate, which worked smoothly and then a quick passport stamp and we were through. (and then the baggage machine broke down trapping about. 20 bags for half an hour until someone figured out why people who baggage had been scanned 'arrived' had not appeared and someone went and unjammed the conveyor). And yes we had priority bag tagging but as usual that means nothing at CDG.