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CDG connection time--expedited passport control?

I made the mistake of booking our flights without doing enough research, and now I'm worried. Next May, we are flying business class on Air France from Naples, Italy, to CDG with an hour and a half connection time to our flight to JFK. Having now read many posts about the horrible connection situation at CDG, I'm very worried about missing the connection. I've read there are expedited passport control lanes for business class--is that true for connecting flights? I called about changing to a later flight out of CDG, but I'd have to gin up 40,000 additional points and $150. I don't mind the money so much, but I hate to lost the points.

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8411 posts

The expedited lines which we have used many times but are not always available are for those flying in from outside Schengen ie. they are for immigration passport congtrol -- you have a domestic flight from Naples so there is no immigration involved. You will of course need to go through exit passport control leaving Schengen. I do not believe there are separate security/emigration lines while transferring

Do you have a connection? Or are you on two separate tickets. If on two separate tickets you cannot make this flight and must change it. You would have to exit landside and go back through security and Schengen exit control

If you are on a single ticket then you would transfer airside following signs for 'correspondence' (they are yellow) and 90 minutes while tight should be adequate. Your luggage would be transferred automatically and you would not need to collect it and recheck it. If this is your situation, go on line and look at precise directions for making the transfer you need (e.g. from terminal 2E to 2F or whatever your terminals are). That way when you get off the plane you know exactly where to go and what you will need to do. Exit passport control is along that path and you will be funneled through it automatically on the way. You are only lined up with other people also transferring airside.

the real danger of this short a connection is that the initial flight could be late. International flights are usually on time but domestic ones less so. You might look at the record of your Naples/CDG leg to see if that flight is routinely very late.

If you are on one ticket then if you cannot make the connection due to a late plane, they would then put you on the next flight available. This flight might not be the next flight and might not have available business class seating.

Posted by
1001 posts

An additional difficulty at CDG is the lack of signage and accuracy from the airport employees in directing passengers to the correct line. In May, my husband and I were incorrectly directed and re-directed by six employees which involved going not just from one line to another but to different floors and THEN to the wrong line. It took over an hour just to be in the correct line. I would be concerned about the 1.5 hours of connection time--that's if your first flight arrives on time.

If you're simply going from one gate to another, it might not be so bad. Good luck!

Posted by
5349 posts

Any chance you could change and fly out of Rome? Not convenient , obviously , but maybe offers better options. Use Flight Aware to check the on- time history of your flight. Or-
Can you change to an earlier flight out of Naples?
Good luck!

Posted by
9991 posts

Since this is, as you said, all on one ticket, they will have to put you on the next available flight if you miss the connection. There are several flights a day from CDG to JFK on AF. I wouldn't worry too much about this.

Don’t spend your money or points changing to the later flight — let them do it for you if it ends up being necessary.

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5777 posts

I also would not make any changes at this point, especially if they cost you money and points. The flight is 10 months away; there is a possibility that the flight times will change again before your departure.

Posted by
19 posts

The earlier flight out of Naples leaves at 6:30 am. My husband says “no” to that!

I guess I’ll just keep an eye on it. Getting moved to a later flight to JFK if we miss the connection would be no big deal, but I just really don’t want to lose our business class seats!

Posted by
301 posts

FWIW, I often fly through CDG (from Bordeaux) and typically have 1.5hrs between flights. While I prefer 2+ hours I have always made my flight to the US. And, like others have mentioned, since it's one ticket, the airline will rebook you should you not make your connection.

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14481 posts

Do you have a connection in JFK or does your trip end there?

I agree with the others that you are so far out from your travel date that there will be schedule changes between now and then so what you have now is not likely what you will have then.

IF it does wind up the same then before you leave, check on times for the other flights to JFK that day for Air France and Delta so you have a handle on what is possible.

I'll also add that I would check your flight schedule every few weeks right now. I do it on Sundays and move it to once a week when I get within 2 months of travel.

Posted by
19 posts

Our trip ends in JFK, at least that day (we plan to fly out of there late the day after on a different airline), so, when we get there doesn’t matter too much. Now, at least, there are a couple later flights from CDG to JFK that day.

Posted by
9991 posts

Oh excellent point about this being 11 months away. The schedule is indeed likely to change between now and then.

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14481 posts

And good that you were going to overnight there anyway. That will take some of the pressure off since you don't have to connect to another flight that day.

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8411 posts

Last year when our Berlin/CDG/Chicago was changed a month before hand so that the Berlin leg was shorter (already tight) I was able to use that fact to get the airline to change me to a transfer in Amsterdam. I researched the Berlin flight and it was routinely late -- we would have definitely missed the connection about a third of the time and maybe half the time. With THEIR flight time change and my data on late flights I was able to convince them to change the connection. Amsterdam is EASY to transfer in. CDG is harder.

When you get close and know your terminals look for sites that will give you detailed instructions for the transfer so you know what you are doing. Generally you follow the yellow transfer signs and go to your terminal and gate airside. You don't ask randos at the airport, you follow the signage and you go armed with knowing about what you will need to do and where the passport control takes place. Some terminals at CDG require an airside shuttle. The CDG site will give you details and time estimates for your terminal switch.

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10486 posts

CDG to JFK is practically a commuter flight there are so many every day. You should make your transfer, and I’ve seen planes wait for passengers on transatlantic flights, but if you don’t, there will be several more options .

For peace of mind, you can hire the Air France concierge service to walk you door to door and through fast lanes.

Posted by
698 posts

Between now and May, your connection time could change significantly. I wouldn't spend points or money to change it now. You could change it now, and then watch it all change again.

Posted by
1001 posts

You might want to keep checking the FF points every week or so just in case they go down.

Posted by
1090 posts

Last year I had reserved a flight for my daughter and her two children (9 and 12 at the time) frommSFO to Bordeaux, with a change at CDG, with Air France, premium economy, one one ticket. Originally there was a 2 1/2 hour transfer time. About 3 months before they changed the time of the CDG-Bordeaux flight, giving her only 75 miunutes transfer time. I worried she wouldn't have enough time to go through immigration and get to her other gate, so I called Air France. The first time the AF person wasn't helpful at all. I called a couple of days later and got a young woman who really worked with me to change her flight to Bordeaux to a later one, albeit at a different terminal. She assigned them to first class because that was all that was available. (Not bad, but a short flight, so no real perks except seat size.) She was able to make it, even though they each had their backpacks and carry-on sized bags to haul with them. Being premium economy helped with quick debarking from the plane at CDG, and expedited lines to board the Bordeaux flight. They all had to hustle from one terminal to another, but they made it!
My point is, of course, to wait because things can change at almost any time. A dropped flight can put you on a different connection. Don't be afraid to call the airline customer service. It helped us a great deal. (I threw myself on their mercy and was effusive in my thanks as well! They took pity on a grandmother who was worried about her grandkids after a long overnight flight to a dream vacation.)

Posted by
8411 posts

excellent advice to call back if the first person you get is not cooperative. I have done that before as well. When I needed to change last year, I got a very sensible person at Delta who saw the difficulties with the connection after their slight time change and the on time record of my Berlin flight and so went ahead and changed us to transfer in Amsterdam. Many times with a customer service issue, if I get a doink the first time, I just wait a bit and call back and get someone else entirely and sometimes you get lucky and get a competent and helpful person.

As someone noted -- changes happen and if you are 10 mos out, you need to wait till closer to the flight to see if that happens to you before changing things around.