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CDG airport taxi scam

Taking a taxi or Uber into Paris should only cost €55-62 - it is a regulated fare. We were detoured from the airport taxi stand and overcharged for our ride. The men standing at the taxi line at CDG claimed the taxis were only for "outside Paris" and sent us to another door, where we were offered a taxi for €90, claiming that the protests caused disruption (there was no protest that day we later learned). At the end of a long flight without enough sleep we were fooled into paying too much. So now we know and so do you!

Posted by
10209 posts

Good warning.
There are two taxi lines, the other being for the suburbs. It says Banlieue above the line.
It sounds like you were intercepted by the scammers before you could find the right line.

Posted by
9620 posts

I am sorry you got scammed. Thank you for taking the time to warn people.

This is a good opportunity to remind people arriving to CDG not to do anything except walk to the official taxi line. Unfortunately these taxi touts come into the terminals and work on distracting and confusing jet-lagged passengers. What a welcome to France ☹️

Posted by
8072 posts

At the terminal we usually arrive in there are footprints on the floor with 'taxi' on them leading you right to the official queue. NEVER ever let a volunteer direct you elsewhere. NEVER ever go with someone who says 'need a taxi'. I don't know why the airport allows these scammers to prey on tourists, but they do. Sorry you got scammed; the first misdirection is quite understandable but the moment they tell you 'oh the fixed price is now 90 was the moment your spidey sense should have directed you away and to find the correct line.'

You might ask someone and get good advice, but when someone intercepts you to volunteer advice, you have a scammer.

Posted by
13978 posts

I also am sorry this happened to you. I was intercepted by these guys last April and they sent me to an exit door that led to the private pickup area. I immediately realized what was wrong as I've been there before and walked back along the side walk to the regular taxi line. I took 2 ladies with me who also wound up there.

It is exasperating that this is allowed to continue. I know the security folks at the airport know who these operators are.

Posted by
3 posts

Thanks for your sympathy - with only an hour sleep on a red eye, we were not at our best at detecting a scam! It was not a huge loss, but we are wiser now. The driver was in taxi that looked like all the rest, so we were fooled. Hopefully others will learn.

Yes, airport security absolutely should intervene with these guys. It's a poor show to allow it.

Fortunately it was the only bad experience of the whole trip - Parisians were very kind, helpful and welcoming, even during the biggest social unrest of decades.

Posted by
3709 posts

Sorry that this happened to you. Posting about it is an excellent way to remind travelers about this issue. It really is poor form that this sort of scam happens at CDG and other airports. Last time I flew into JFK, someone tried the same type of scam on me. I did not bite but I lived in NYC for 20 years and my daughter lives there now and we know about the flat rate from JFK to Manhattan. I can imagine that for a visitor or someone who is really tired, this is just too much to deal with. Glad the rest of your trip went well.

Posted by
1914 posts

Easy to fall prey to that, especially with the unrest and disruptions! I would have totally believed it and done the same thing. Thank you for warning the rest of us.

Posted by
4412 posts


I know the security folks at the airport know who these operators are.

Just like most beat cops know the local pickpockets and might make a show for the tourists but don't really do anything. Human nature.

Posted by
2549 posts

Yes, airport security absolutely should intervene with these guys. It's a poor show to allow it.

The baggage claim areas have numerous signs and wall posters outlining official taxi costs, the terminal exit numbers where taxis are found, and warnings of clandestine drivers who overcharge. This information is in English. They even have big blue footsteps on the floor leading you to exactly where the official taxis are. You only need to follow them.

I am not sure what else the airport can do, other than offer a service to escort you to the curb and make sure you get into an official cab. Alas, there is such a service, you will never be scammed again: