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Caves of CFont-de-Gaume and Combarelles, Abri of Cap-Blanc

I am checking the Font-de-Gaume website to reserve tour tickets for June 2023 as soon as they are available. My question is about Abri de Cap Blanc. What is it, and should we be sure to visit it when we visit Font-de-Gaume? There will be five adults and two children, and we will also visit Lascaux IV. I do not find an explanation or description of Abri de Cap Blanc on the reservation website. Help!

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585 posts

Googled Abri de Cap Blanc. It’s a rock shelter with exceptional carved animals in the walls. There is a museum with dioramas of how life would have been in the Palaeolithic. Sounds like a must see if you are interested in Palaeolithic art and are in the region. Carved scenes are much rarer than paintings.

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4183 posts

Google is your friend for finding lots of results about the Abri du Cap Blanc. This is only one of them:

I would normally choose a reference that doesn't end with .com, but this one has links to other sites in the area.

One of my favorites is the Maison Forte de Reignac, a cliff castle built into a cave. Just keep scrolling down the page and you'll find it. The kids might enjoy seeing where kids slept there 700 years ago.

I've been to Font-de-Gaume and Maison Forte de Reignac. Be aware that it's a long walk up hill to the entrance of the former and that there are lots of steps in the latter.

And believe it when you read about the limited number of people allowed at a time (your group of 7 may be the limit), the fact that you can only visit with a guide and the other requirements for going into some of the places in the area.

For example, when we were at Font-de-Gaume, there was an area next to the entrance behind a lockable gate where we had to leave everything we were carrying, like purses, cameras and backpacks. One woman was refusing to leave her purse. She had a choice: either leave the purse behind the locked gate or go back down the hill and wait for her party. She left the purse.

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1658 posts

Thank you for the information about Abri. I will definitely include it when I (attempt to) get tickets to Font-de-Gaume. I am checking the website daily. So far, tickets are available up to May 14, 2023. I also appreciate the warning about the uphill climb. That may be a problem for both my husband and me, but not for the younger generations.
Merci beaucoup.

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3648 posts

One more thing about l’Abri du Cap Blanc, the guided visit is relatively short. Half an hour, perhaps, so it is easily combined with another touring another site.

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283 posts

We loved the caves but didn't realize that we were going underground (silly me) - and that they may be cold, even in summer. A sweater or light jacket is a good thing to take - and wear close-toed shoes (the caves can be slippery and uneven).

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2608 posts

The temperature in all the caves is constant: 13°C (55F) all year round, 24 hours a day, and the atmosphere is humid.

Always bring a jacket or vest.

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39 posts

Judy, what site are you using for Font de Gaume tickets? I’m looking at and am not seeing anything past December. I read in a recent guide book that “tickets go on sale in January for the following year” but to buy tickets as far in advance as possible. We’ll be there mid April. Thanks for sharing any other site that I’m obviously missing, thanks!

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39 posts

Thank you Simon. That’s the site I was redirected to and no available dates showing. I’ll just keep checking periodically. Thanks again!