Would appreciate the name of a nice place near this hotel to meet friends. (or within 10-15 min. walking distance)
If it is also a good spot for people watching...all the better. *It does not need to have a view of the Eiffel Tower.
do not have a personal recommendation based on experience, but Avenue de Suffren has lots of cafes. For an expert opinion you might consult this list from Paris by Mouth Not Terrible Near the Eiffel Tower.
In France most people meet for an aperitif before a meal because the French serve cheese as a course near the end of a meal. They don't nibble it before a meal as we do in the States. There should be a large cafe or brasserie with a terrace near your hotel or across the river at Trocadero where you can meet for a drink. Your hotel staff can tell you exactly.
However, if it's wine and cheese you really want, try a large brasserie, a wine bar, or some of the shops featuring regional fare that might have a table or two set up. You should run into them when walking along a shopping street. Again, your hotel should be able to direct you.