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Cassis and Calanques National Park

We are interested in making a day trip to Cassis and the Calanques National Park from Aix one day. We will have our 5 and 6 year old daughters with us. Can you let me know everything I need to know bringing them? Is the hike doable for them in the National Park since we won’t be able to bring a stroller? Will we be able to get the high up instragammable pics? Anything else to know?
Also is Cassis town part stroller friendly with any cobblestone or steps? Small enough for them to walk?
Planning is a lot harder with tiny legs in tow!!

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7020 posts

The hike into the Calanques national park from Cassis is very slick and the terrain gets uneven once you descend into Port Pin. With young children not used to hiking and without hiking shoes, I am not sure it is the best idea. You could make it to Calanque de Port Pin without too much trouble, but getting to the viewpoints above En Vau will not be easy. Bring water.

There are several alternatives:
In Cassis:

  • the "Sentier du Petit Prince" or "Sentier de Découverte" starting right at the Calanques parking lot is very easy and gives some great views, but it is not high up.
  • the Route des Crêtes leads to the top of 1,000 foot-high cliffs with minimal effort. Closed when it is very windy and hold your kids' hands but otherwise, very easy.

In Marseille:

  • If you want an easy hike to great Calanques viewpoints, you should not go to Cassis, but head to Luminy campus in Marseille. The hike to the Belvédère de Sugiton is very easy, on level terrain except for steps at the end, and the views are amazing. If you want more, you can head to the other side of Sugiton calanque while staying on easy paths and go roughly to that spot. Bring water.
  • If you book at one of the restaurants in Morgiou or Sormiou, you can drive there. Morgiou is a bit more dramatic but the food is better in Sormiou and there is more to do there.
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10320 posts

Strollers aren't practical many places in France. By age three, a lot of children use kick scooters and wear helmets.
My children were able to walk five miles at age 5, so yours should be okay. My concern would be taking them anywhere high, Cap Canaille in Cassis as well as high in the Calanques. There are no guard railings.

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15 posts

Ya it sounds like just more trouble than it’s worth and that would not be relaxing for me. Thinking of doing a Calenques boat tour instead for us to see it. Thanks for your help.

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26 posts

I did the boat trip years ago. Was great way to see Calanques but would not be so much fun for your kids if weather is not lovely or water is choppy. Some kids love looking at scenery. Most prefer activity so a long boat ride may not appeal to them. I took grandson whale watching once and he said the "water watching would be a better name for it".