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cash expenses for trip to Paris

I am going to travel in Paris for 4 days and wondering how much cash will be needed for daily expensesn towards food and travel. I am not looking into major expenses- just get a travel card and museum pass, etc. Also I am not looking for any expensive restaurant or anything. I have prepaid my hotel room and air tickets but not sure how much cash to carry
any guidance will be greatly appreciated

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23473 posts

First, use your debit card at a bank owned ATM. Cheapest and most convenient way to obtain local currency. We take about a hundred euro with us to get us through the airport, to the hotel, and maybe the first day until we run across an ATM. For single person, daily food, etc., I would plan on at least a hundred euro per day.

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3804 posts

Do you have an ATM or debit card? If so, do not carry any cash. Notify your bank that you will be traveling, confirm that your card will work while in France and withdraw money as you go. If you feel uncomfortable landing without any euros, get 100 euros from your bank now. As to budget, assuming that you will travel only in Paris, the metro currently costs €1,80 per ticket. You can save money by purchasing a carnet of 10 tickets for €14,10 if you think that you will take 10 rides in 4 days. For meals, eating in restaurants, I would budget between €50-€60 per day assuming that you eat three meals per day in a restaurant as opposed to grabbing a sandwich or a slice of pizza for lunch or just having a coffee for breakfast.

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5697 posts

And you can buy your Museum Pass on a credit card. Or prepay a Seine cruise ticket online -- at a discount.

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2466 posts

Further suggestions:
Large coffee or soda at a cafe = 5 EU
Fresh juice at a cafe = 8 EU
Croissant from bakery = 1.20 EU
Pastry from bakery = 5 EU
Baguette sandwich from bakery = 5 EU
Beer, wine by the glass = 5 EU
Bottle of wine from store = 5 EU
Bottle of wine in cafe = 18 EU
"Menu" or "Formule" meal in cafe = 25 EU, drinks cost extra

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30 posts

We were there last week for 4 nights, family of 3 and were good with 400-500 Euros (including souvenirs).