My experience with Carcassone came some 23 years ago, however it left a lasting impression.
I imagine my perspective may be different now, but at the time the Carousel at the main entrance was charming.
The walk in through the main gate was full of tourists and tourist shops, but the deeper I ventured in the more real it felt.
Outside the rear of the Castle walls there is a small house, with a stone wall, that has a top that is concrete mixed with shards of glass, and rolling farmland in the distance. Listening to Nina Simone's rendition of Leonard Cohen's Suzanne on a discman (just aged myself) was and is one of the more memorable moments of my life.
Sooo. tl;dr, its great, it has a tourist slant to it, but there is something all together charming and I would absolutely go if it were on my way somewhere or as part of a tour excursion.
P.S. There is a google street view that walks you through the entire city, pretty rad,2.3649349,3a,75y,128.31h,79.51t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1saTQPGtoueEZl_83DkRpiNQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i33