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Car rental in Calais, France

Any suggestions of where to rent a car once we cross the Chunnel from London into Calais? We plan to pick up a car and begin our 2 week trip in France and then return it in Paris somewhere. We will be staying at the Hotel Cler in Paris and wonder where will be the best and easiest place for us to drop off the car?

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6113 posts

Most people under 30 would have no idea what the Chunnel is, as that term hasn’t been used for more than 20 years!

Presumably, you are taking the Eurostar train to Calais? There is only one car hire office at the rail station, which is Avis - they don’t score particularly highly on the website I have just googled.

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4684 posts

The Eurostar station at Calais-Frethun is quite a long way from anywhere else and few trains stop there. You're best advised to stay on the train until you get to Lille where you have a lot more car hire options.

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33341 posts


You never replied to my post trying to discuss the very issue of car rental in Calais when you asked a similar question in May.