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Car rental for 2 days in Beaune

We plan to stay in Beaune for 4 days in early August, with 2 days walking & biking around Beaune, and 2 days visiting various towns & vineyards north and south of Beaune. We would like know if there is a car rental place right in Beaune. If so, its name & website. Thank you in advance.

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23 posts

I don't know about Beaune, but I made a reservation for a car at the Part Dieu train station in Lyon. All the major car companies are there. From Lyon we plan to drive to several wineries around Beaune, Sancerre, and Auxerre. Lyon to Beaune is about 1 1/2 hours drive time.

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We were able to rent a car in Beaune through Europcar which had somewhat limited hours. We used it to travel around for a few days after a Viking Cruise and dropped it off at the French side of the Geneva airport.