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Caen to mont San michelle by car no hurry which are the best places to see on the esy

Would like to drive from Caen to mont San michelle leasurly what are the best places to see on the way

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27630 posts

It's south of Mont-St-Michel rather than directly on the way, but I enjoyed a day-trip to Fougeres while I was staying in Rennes.

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1215 posts

It is fairly close to MSM, but the town of Avranches is a very nice stopping off point for lunch. There is also a museum there called the Scriptorial that contains many of the manuscripts that were written in MSM, and covers much of the history of the Abbey. I believe this was the center of power in the region when Mont-Saint-Michel was built.
When getting close to MSM, don't stick to the main N175 road. Instead, get off this road in Pontaubault, and follow the smaller, coastal road (D43?, D75?). You get excellent, magical views of the Mont as you get closer.
Not too far from MSM is the American military cemetery in Saint-James. Less visited than the Normandy American cemetery (Saint-James is technically in Brittany), it has the remains of some 5,000 soldiers from WWII.

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1540 posts

I recommend a stop in Bayeux - lovely little town. ( we stayed 3 nights as our base) for Normandy area, Beaches of WWII , Cemeteries, and Mont St. Michel.

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1175 posts

We stayed at a delightful B&B just outside Villers-Bocage, about 10 miles southeast of Bayeux. We easily drove to MSM via the four lane motorway a few miles from, La Ferme du Pressoir. After MSM we drove around the bay to Cancale, about 20 miles, for a great seafood lunch with MSM visible across the bay. We then used our GPS and a Michelin map to drift back to Villers-Bocage on the back roads, stopping in towns and small villages to sample their wares, buy wine, cheeses, Calvados etc. We deliberately arrived at MSM before the tour buses swamped the place. Two hours at MSM was plenty.

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5697 posts

Bayeux -- spend an hour or two seeing the historic tapestry. Lovely cathedral, too, just down the street.

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44 posts

I don't if it's on your route, but St Malo was absolutely lovely when I chaperoned a group of students a few years ago. We were only there for an evening and overnight, but I was just mesmerized by the city walls and walking the hills. It's on my list of Cities I Must Return To and/or the If I Win the Lottery, I Will Live in the Chateaubriand Hotel for a Summer and Love Life dream. :)