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Buying multiple TVG train tickets

My travelling partners and I are planning a trip to France this May and we plan to take the train from Paris to Annecy. Would it make sense for me to book TVG train tickets for all 5 people in my party? Or should we each buy them individually? If I buy them - is it a straighforward process for each person to get their ticket? I looked at the OUI website and it said something about each person can then print the ticket out themselves -- sounded pretty straighforward, but I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing before I did anything stupid!


Posted by
8125 posts

Yes if you want to sit in the same car it is better to book altogether at one time. The tickets will come as 5 email attachments PDF files in your email; you download the attachments and print them; also when you register yourself on the Ouisncf platform a history record of each of your purchases will stay there.

Or if you all decide to download the ap each of you can display all five on your tablet or phone.
You just swipe to the left and the conductor scans the QR code for each one. Each TGV train ticket will have the passenger name, car number and seat number.

Posted by
4085 posts

Good advice; you understand that each seat is assigned at the time the ticket is bought.
Note than you depart from Gare de Lyon where security has been changed. Your tickets will be scanned at turnstiles entering the platform to the train, rather by a conductor on board (although that could happen too).

Posted by
13 posts

Thanks. I bought my tickets.. for 5 passengers. I created an account on the website, and I downloaded the app ... covering all my bases. But I have not received any confirmation email. I can see my trip online, and a link to print tickets, so maybe I don’t need an email? Can I print the tickets from the website just in case, but still use the tickets on my phone to board if I want? The website help and chat features are not the best...I keep trying to ask them a question but it seems to lock up on me.

Posted by
7260 posts

Not receiving the email is odd (have you checked the Spam folder? Did you enter the correct email address when you registered on the app?) but if you have a link to print tickets and can see them on the app... You're covered. For added reassurance, you can write down the 6-letter booking reference; conductors are able to retrieve tickets with it.

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10030 posts

Just go ahead and print the tickets since you are able to do so. Then you are done messing with it!

And if you do end up with a train where you board by scanning your q code at the ticket gate, it’s easier for everyone to have their own printout anyway!! (Not that it can’t be done that you scan for all five, but it’s just quicker and simpler for each to carry and do their own).

Posted by
333 posts

I’ve booked a couple of tickets for May and the emails have been hit or miss.

They do show up in the app however

Posted by
7652 posts

I would also suggest forwarding the email to your travel partners. If someone is running late, they will have their reservation code.