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Brittany in July

Has anyone been in brittany in july? I had planned to go end of June to avoid the worst crowds. Now I'm thinking I'd like to be there August 1 for a festival in Pont- Aven. Will it be so crowded that I'll be sorry? thanks sue

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Spent a week in northeast (Port Blanc, Treguier, Lannion) Brittany in late July 2013 . Very relaxing, Cotes-d' Granit Rose and Cotes d'Armor are special places. Biggest crowds were during day trip to Mont Saint-Michel and St. Malo. Enjoy Brittany and don't let anyone know how beautiful it is, you will understand why the Parisians head there in August.

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7083 posts

I was in Brittany for 12 days in late July 2012, including a stop in Pont-Aven. There were no crowds to speak of anywhere I went. Sure there were tourists especially in Pont-Aven, St Malo, and Dinan, but not the bumper to bumper hordes that you think of in the tourist hot-spots like Venice, Florence, Rome, Paris, Versailles, etc. I don't think you'll be sorry to go in July. It may be hot but I found it pretty bearable when I was there.