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Bringing a RX to Paris...

If I bring a written prescription from my dermatologist to a pharmacy in Paris, will they fill it or do I need to see a French doctor to get a prescription filled there?
Thank you in advance.

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776 posts

The two times I brought prescriptions from the US to Paris, I had no problem getting them filled at my corner pharmacy. I suppose it depends on what's being prescribed. Both of mine fell in the ointment category for external application.

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9436 posts

Thank you 75020. Mine is external use ointment. Costs $1200.00 per 2 oz (?) tube here, hoping it’s affordable in France.

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34383 posts

That's one expensive prescription.

So glad we have National Health here in the UK - and there is a different scheme but a similar result in France. 2oz is a lot but so is $1200.