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brantes side trip with luggage

We are considering a side trip to the village of Brantes on our drive from Menerbes to our stay in Vaison la Romaine. It looks like there is parking below and outside of the village. We will have luggage in the car (but not visible).
It's such a small village--is it risky to stop there with our luggage?

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7020 posts

You park along the road that goes through the "newer" part of the village, or in a small plot adjacent to that road. It is not isolated. Without visible luggage, I would say that the risk is really minimal. Personally, I would do it.
To minimize risk even further, do not open the trunk at your parking spot (stop before if you need to) and take valuables with you in a day bag, as usual.

Have a crepe chez Suzette if timing is right!

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192 posts

Thank you for the endorsement, Balso. It looks like such a beautiful and charming place, and worth the detour!

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7020 posts

It really is! I stumbled upon that village by chance last year while dropping off friends who wanted to climb Mont Ventoux's steep north face on foot. I spent a lovely hour in Brantes (including the crepe stop), then moved on to Mollans sur Ouvèze (skippable) before heading up Mont Ventoux to pick up my friends!

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192 posts

That sounds lovely. I am hoping after our stop in Brantes we can make relatively straight shot to Vaison la Romaine. We won't be driving up Mt. Ventoux. Is there a good route from Brantes to Vaison that you'd recommend that is not too harrowing?

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7020 posts

From Brantes, you can just drive back down to the main D40 and keep going west towards Vaison. It is an easy 2-lane road, there are a few turns but nothing major.