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Bordeaux - Saint Emilion Wine tour

We will have two nights in Bordeaux this summer and are planning to spend one day exploring Saint Emilion via a wine tour. Does anyone have a wine tour company recommendation or tips on the experience of Saint Emilion?

Bordeaux restaurant and activity recommendations are welcomed

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303 posts

Yes I do! Rustic Vines is fantastic! I've done a few tours with them.
For Bordeaux itself I'd recommend:
La Cité du Vin wine museum
Walk around the Chartrons neighborhood it's charming!.
If history is your thing, visit Musée Aquitaine--incredible!
Marché Capucin
St. Catherine street for shopping
Visit the Mirroir d'eau
Take one of the boat ferries up the Garonne (runs on same tickets as Trams)

Visit the oldest bakery in Bordeaux Au Pétrin Moissagais (also in Chartrons neighborhood)
Piha Coffee (for a quick coffee and/or pastry)
Snicklefritz Donuts (if donuts are your thing, you will not be disappointed)
Almost anywhere in Chartrons
Casa Gaia
Maison Mère (right of Rue St. Catherine)

I'm sure there's more but that's what i can think of for the moment. I'd also encourage you to check out the blog Lost in Bordeaux

Enjoy your trip!

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21 posts

Hi Lauren,

I wouldn’t recommend exploring Saint-Emilion via a tour company. The best wineries typically want you to book private appointments and don’t take the large tour companies. Saint-Emilion is easily accessible by train from Bordeaux. Many of the vineyards are walking distance from the train station.

The best historical tour in Saint-Emilion is underground Saint-Emilion. It’s run through the Saint-Emilion tourism office.

The best website to use is, it teaches you how to do it on your own.

Have a great trip.

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303 posts

I'm going to respectfully disagree with Stephan. There are many, many companies in the Bordeaux region who specialize in all sorts of travel (though I have not hear of the one he recommends, only on the RS boards.) Rustic Vines is one of many companies that can offer small group or private tours. Often these companies are operated by people who were in the wine industry and/or are from the area. Sometimes they are the only way you can visit some more exclusive wineries. And, while it is super easy to plan your own winery tour, sometimes it's fun to take a tour with an experienced company. For most wineries, however you chose to visit, will require a reservation. The exceptions are those that have "Portes Ouvertes" and the tourist offices (Bordeaux and St. Émilion) will have that information.

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21 posts

Wasn't looking to get into an argument. You are welcome to disagree. However, your response was quite rude and completely incorrect.

I didn't recommend a tour company. Sauvistication is an informational website for navigating Bordeaux's wineries. It is new and is gaining a following with wine connoisseurs like myself. I used it this year.

I have used the tour companies as well. It is understandable why some people may want to use a guide, but I didn't recommend it because it is much more expensive, and many of them are more geared towards a less knowledgeable crowd. If you are going to look at tour companies, look at Bordeaux Wine Trails and Ophorus in addition to the one Kimberely recommended.

Safe Travels!