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bordeaux or Loire?

A group of us are planning a long weekend meet-up in France. 3 are coming from London and 3 from Nice. We are considering Bordeaux or Loire, but are open to any wonderful smaller city/region. Any recommendations?

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174 posts

I would go with the Loire unless you really really love wine.... but you can go virtually anywhere in France and can find wine. Loire has much more to see/do.

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2916 posts

I would definitely choose the Loire. The city of Bordeaux is worth visiting, but I'm not a fan of the countryside nearby. And I find Bordeaux wines pretty one-dimensional and boring. Some are very good, but still boring. The Loire has chateaux galore, and lots of interesting wine if that's what you like.

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9908 posts

I was going to ask what time of year, but it seems you have already decided. (My preferred place would be the Loire, anyway).