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Between Sarlat and Avignon

We need to drive from Sarlat to Avignon,
My friend recommended one city that must see: Rocamadour - one hour drive from Sarlat. We need to stop one more time until we get to Avignon (or maybe 2)
Please advice us where to make stops for snacks(dinner) or even sightseeing (not more than hour, hour and half)
Thank you very much.

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5 posts

Rocamadour is a great place but to appreciate it will take more than an hour and a half (in high season it will take half an hour to find a parking space!). It does have over 40 restaurants and probably about the same number of tourist shops all selling similar goods. As 'cities' go it is quite small with a population of less than 700.

You do not say which route you are taking but if you go via the autoroutes (fastest route) A20, A62, A61, A9 then I would think about stops at Cahors (famous bridge), Carcassonne (even more not to be missed than Rocamadour) and possibly Nimes but it is quite close to your final desination.

If you go the more direct route (100km shorter but 10 mins longer) in which you cut across to the A75 via the departmental roads then you will go over the Viaduc de Millau which is one of the most spectacular buildings in France. The route also goes closer to Rocamadour. Following the departmental roads will give you more flexibility to stop when you want/need but can be really frustrating on a long journey if you get stuck behind something slow or a cycle race etc.

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12313 posts

Maybe something like Conques (known as a great medieval town) and Pont d'Arc. I don't know anything between the two.

If you go further south, maybe Albi and St. Guilhem le Desert and/or possibly Nimes.

I haven't tried to drive that route. It may be easier if you go further south.

Posted by
4132 posts

Rocamador is interesting, but not a quick stop. It's one of those places you want to hit late in the day as the tour buses are leaving.

You have basically a full day on the road with a stop for lunch. Figure out where you will be at lunchtime and look for a nice place to eat there, that will break your trip and refresh you.

Posted by
2916 posts

Rocamadour is interesting, but I think an hour is all that is needed. I spent one night there, and thought it was wasted time. The village is mostly just a tourist rap filled with selling junk.

Someone mentioned Conques, which I think is a worthwhile stop, as is Saint Guilhem le Desert. But 2 such stops might be a stretch if you're making the drive to Avignon in one day.