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Best way to purchase train tickets for travel within France

I appreciate very much Kim's posting several days ago about SNCF's opening train ticket sales for travel through early May.
I want to be ready to purchase May 15 tickets from Paris to Bayonne when ticket sales open in several weeks.

Rick Steves' Paris guidebook gives several options for buying the tickets:
1. SNCF's website or app
2. the Trainline app
Also, one can buy tickets via the Rick Steves website.

My question is: what are the pros and cons of the 3 ways of purchasing the tickets?

Posted by
887 posts

My understanding is Rick actually is only selling the month-long passes and things like that not point to point tickets so option three is probably not on the table.

I always book via SNCF on the app and I get the ticket on my phone and load it in my wallet

my experience has been train line is generally a little more expensive. Probably the markup for having them do it for you

Posted by
21692 posts
  1. Pro: You are buying directly from the train operator at the best possible price. Con: SNCF website credit card payment can be problematic, requiring 3-D security. App may be easier credit card vetting.
  2. Pro: Easy credit card payment. Con: A small commission fee is added to the cost.
  3. Pro: none. Con: You are not buying from Rick Steves, but from Rail Europe via a pass-through link on the Rick Steves website. Small commission plus not all trains are shown, just the ones they want you to buy.
Posted by
8668 posts

Anytime you purchase anything—train tickets, hotel bookings, etc., from a secondary seller, you relinquish a bit of control. I prefer to always book from the source if it's at all possible. That way I know where to get information on changes and delays, and if I need to cancel, there's no middleman to deal with.

In addition, you generally pay a small fee when you book through a secondary source, or might pay a higher price. Some travelers don't mind this because they like the convenience. So it's really up to you.

Posted by
1120 posts

Last spring I found using the SNCF app very user friendly and convenient. Having the tickets/QR codes sitting right in the app ready to scan was very convenient. Buying directly from SNCF makes more sense anyway since it’s their train's; rather than a third party.

Posted by
10502 posts

And just to be the contrary voice, I live here and use Trainline. The SNCF website and app make me absolutely crazy. I find Trainline a whole lot easier to use .

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2348 posts

My tech skills are marginal hampered by the fact that I’m usually using a tablet, so I fought with the SNCF to get the English version, but last trip I used the website to find the trains I wanted and then the app to book them. It helped having the app because we had to change the reservation twice after flight cancellations and that was very easy to do on the app. I’ve used Trainline before, but maybe Kim would know how easy it is to change a reservation.

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8805 posts

I find the most user friendly and usually book through them and have my ticket on my phone.

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10836 posts

I’m going to contradict Kim because I always use the SNCF app…and I live in France too, ;—)))

Posted by
455 posts

This is exactly the information I was seeking. Thanks to all who posted.

Posted by
55 posts

I also have a question and it is regarding booking trains for myself and my husband. I would normally book ahead of time on my desktop (although have not done it in years) but I think the App will be very helpful if any changes are needed while in France this May. I didn't know about Trainline previously but if I download either the Trainline or SNCF App, can I buy both of our tickets on my phone and show them both from my phone in France? Thanks for any help. Teri

Posted by
430 posts

I needed tickets for April so, a few weeks ago, I set an alert on the SNCF website. I got an email last week notifying me that I could now buy my tickets for April - I got the notice the same day that Kim posted.

I easily booked using my laptop. I prefer the larger screen when doing things like that. I have the app on my phone so after the purchase, I logged into the app and then loaded the tickets into my Apple wallet. I’ve never had problems using their website. I do have to get a code that Mastercard texts to me to complete the foreign transaction but it’s simple and quick.

Posted by
366 posts

Another French resident here. I've never used Trainline but SNCF's website and app can be a bit frustrating at times. I use them, but the logic embedded in them reminds me of that employed by French parking lot designers. Eventually, you'll get to where you want, but sometimes in only the most convoluted way.

Posted by
202 posts

I’ve downloaded both apps to explore my options for a trip in early April. Is there a benefit ( other than cost) to booking a week or more ahead of time vs the day of travel? I am specifically looking at Paris St Lazare to Vernon/ Giverny on a Weekend. Do the train schedules change much over time since I want to book tickets to Monet’s Gardens online. Do the trains ever sell out? I am aware of possible strikes or maintenance issues. Any tips for being notified of those issues..

Posted by
1336 posts

If taking a TER train, there is generally no advantage to buying in advance. These are regional trains with no fixed seating. I would wait until ready to travel to purchase the ticket - give flexibility for weather conditions, energy levels, etc.

A couple months ago, I was literally booking a ticket as the train pulled into the station. Very handy to be confident with the SNCF app (and it can be finicky - I was lucky to make that train! - but I'd practiced a lot).

Posted by
86 posts

Trainline for me. Honestly, graphics, layout, ease of use, just everything, for a tad more it's worth it for me. I feel a real affinity:) My experience with SNCF is similar to other comments.

Posted by
25 posts

We have used Trainline when a country's rail provider's website seemed a bit wobbly and difficult to navigate and it worked perfectly, including using the phone for showing the tickets to the train personnel while en route or at the gate on the train platform. We just purchased our TGV tickets to several French cities we will be visiting in April/May through the SCNF website, saving a few euros over Trainline (very few in the scheme of things), but mainly used it because it was easy to use. (Our local and regional trail tickets will be purchased the day of or only a few days in advance of the trip). By the way, even though the tickets are in the digital wallet, I print them out. I'm 71 and like that feeling of security I have looking at the piece of paper in my hand. And, who knows, the phone could end up under water. Or something.
The Man in Seat 61 website is the gold standard for those who want information about European train travel. Invaluable. Can't recommend it more highly.

Posted by
455 posts

Thank you again for your comments. SNCF released tickets for May travel several hours ago, and I have just used SNCF's website to purchase TGV tickets. With my very rudimentary knowledge of French plus Google translate, I managed to navigate SNCF's website. It helped that I had done a trial run on the website last week, getting as far as "payment" before exiting.