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Best way to go from CDG to hotel in Paris

Hi All
Can someone please suggest the safest and most economical way to go from the CDG airport to our B&B in Paris on Rue Saint Honore ile-de-France. We’ve shared a cab in the past, but that was over 15 years ago and we know life is no longer the same.
Thank you!

Posted by
58 posts

The last time we arrived at CDG from a long flight from Seattle we hired a private car to meet us at the airport and take us directly to the hotel. It was the first hotel on the RS France My Way tour. Not exactly the most economical, but certainly the most convenient and comfortable after a long flight....even with first class. I recommend checking current prices for private transportation to begin your journey. There is a good number of companies to choose from.

Posted by
20955 posts

A Taxi is fixed rate 53 EUR. That would be the safest.
Depending on where on Rue Saint Honore, it could be a short walk from the Chatelet-Les Halles RER B station. That would be the most economical at 10.30 EUR pp.

Posted by
113 posts

Most economical - RER & Metro.
Most efficient - taxi. Fixed fares from CDG.

Posted by
1625 posts

We have always just taken a Taxi. Make sure to get in the official Que, and not listen to the nicely dressed gentlemen offering Taxi's or private cars who line the walkway to the Taxi Que. The Que moves really fast. I usually make a card at home that I hand to the driver that lists the address of my Apartment or Name/Address to Hotel.

Posted by
10028 posts

Most economical - RER & Metro.
Most efficient - taxi.

Just for the record, there are plenty of time with traffic where the RER is also more efficient. It really depends on conditions when you arrive.

Posted by
8795 posts

Nancy, for these kind of situations I always develop a "plan A" and a "plan B". Plan A is if I arrive feeling pretty good after my flight and feel like public transportation would be a viable option. Plan B is if I arrive feeling like death warmed-over and all I want is to get to the hotel with the least hassle.

My last trip to Paris I had pretty much decided to take a taxi. Then I arrived and was feeling pretty good. I ended up close to the RER station and decided just to take it in. It worked fine.

Posted by
7259 posts

When are you arriving? In the coming months, there are a few days when the RER B train is not running to/from the airport.
In that case, your choice becomes taxi vs. Roissybus (direct bus from CDG airport to rue Scribe near the Opera, which can be walkable to the western part of rue Saint Honoré if you do not have too much luggage, or there are metros, buses and cabs).

Posted by
46 posts

Safest, easiest, and most convenient is hiring a private car/shuttle - they will meet you outside immigration, and take you straight to their vehicle, load you up, and take you to the front door of your stay. Flat rate - comparable to taxi fare. Will run you between 50-100 euros, depending who and what type of vehicle you hire. As others have mentioned, taxis are very easy to utilize also, with a flat rate to your zone. If you want the most economical way, you're looking at RER/metro. But, that won't necessarily be the safest. Plus, you have to handle your luggage going up/down stairs and getting in/out of trains. So, it depends what your highest priority is.

Posted by
8439 posts

shuttles are notoriously unreliable and blame passengers if they are not picked up; private cars cost more and yet are not more 'safe' or efficient than taxis which are always waiting with fixed cost to whisk you downtown.

RER is most economical but note that it is not always running right now as there is work going on. On Easter Sunday I had to make my way by bus to Stadt du France and catch the RER D there -- this would not be fun as a newbie arriving after an overnight fight.

Best? Safest (not that any of these are 'unsafe' ) a taxi.

"Safest, easiest, and most convenient is hiring a private car/shuttle"

Rubbish. There's a long walk to actually get to the car. If the driver is there. Lots of reports over the years of no shows and no chance of a refund. Not only are taxis plentiful, regulated and flat rate, but they have access to the HOV lanes private car services do not.

Posted by
40 posts

The problem with the RER and the metro is the steps, and long hallways with your luggage.
They don’t have escalators and it about killed me.
I don’t want to see another set of stairs for quite some time.

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2 posts

I am overwhelmed with gratitude from this community, I appreciate all the answers given!
I think we will go with a taxi or private car. Our friends gave us a contact number 41 in France but I didn’t know if his price would be relevant until I knew what it would cost for a taxi.

I didn’t see anything about Uber, so I guess we won’t add that to the list? Again thank you so much taking the time to answer me! So kind.
Los Altos, CA

Posted by
3884 posts

Nancy, Uber is not recommended for the trip from the airport because of the issues some people have with finding the pick up spot. If you want, you could Uber to the airport. I have not found it to be cheaper but I usually take an Uber XL which in my experience costs more than a fixed price van taxi. Over the years, I have taken the RER, a regular taxi, a regular shuttle, the various buses, and luxury car services from the airport to Paris. All have their good and bad points but for me the "best" method after a flight from SFO is a regular taxi when I am alone or with my spouse and Shuttle Inter when I am traveling with a group larger than 3 people.

Posted by
20955 posts

The problem with the RER and the metro is the steps

At least the major stations of the RER B, CDG, Nord, Les Halles, have escalators and elevators to/from the platforms.

Posted by
10028 posts

Yeah, I can make it from CDG to home on the RER with a change from the B to the A without any steps. All escalators or elevators. It is possible, but it takes a little planning along with some luck in where you are headed (and in my case, a willingness to walk the last 8 to 10 minutes rather than changing one more time to the metro stop that gets me the closest to my apartment).

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14770 posts

From CDG to Nord I always take the RER, never ride share or a taxi.