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Best way to get from CDG to the Hyatt Etoile in Paris?

This is my first time to Paris and I have no idea what the best way is to get to our hotel.. Should I ask the hotel if they have a shuttle? Or hire a shuttle? We land on September 26th so I am trying to figure everything out before then. Thank you in advance for any help and recommendations!!!!

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9110 posts

A taxi would be better than a shuttle.

If you want to use light rail and subway, re-ask the question.

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20250 posts

The Air France Les Cars bus goes to Porte de Maillot, which is about 100 yards from the Hyatt Etoile, right behind the Palais des Congres de Paris, which faces on the north side of the Porte de Maillot traffic circle. "Etoile" is a bit misleading, as it is a ways from the Arc de Triomphe on the Etoile, but close enough to satisfy the advertising department.

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8293 posts

The website of your Paris hotel likely has "getting to us" information, often under the heading "Location".