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Best way from CDG airport to Port Royal Hotel

We will be staying at the Port Royal Hotel 8 boulevard port Royal 75005 Paris,
Any suggestions on best way there? Or close enough to walk after last stop? Or is taxi or best option?
We will be arriving this coming Sunday April 30th


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8444 posts

I'd take a taxi from the official taxi queue for 55. but Port Royale RER stop is on the direct RER line from CDG to Paris. So for 10.30 each you can take the train and walk to your hotel. Assuming it is close to this stop, that is worth doing for one or two people with easily managed luggage. April 30 is not a strike day. Be sure you are pickpocket proof if you take the train while tired with all your stuff. I use a money belt in transit like this under my clothes. No wallets in pockets including front pockets or backpacks. Keep small bags (purses, day packs, computer bags) under personal control at all times (no setting them on the floor at your feet when buying tickets, checking into hotels, while on the train or waiting for it, or setting them on an empty seat). Your hotel should have information about hour metro or RER stop.

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1025 posts

Unless you know your way around Paris, or are willing to study up on the trains, Metro, and buses, I think you would be better served by taking a taxi. It wouldn't be difficult to actually find your hotel if you had some experience with the various changes you need to make, but assuming that you are jet-lagged from an overnight flight, learning about procedures and routes of the RER, the Metro, and Bus Route 27 won't be fun. Check the threads in this forum for taxi details. Also, if you get a good guidebook, like the RS 2018, things might be a bit easier.

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497 posts

I am also thinking you should take a taxi for the reasons already cited - unless cost is going to be the deciding factor. I've taken public transportation from CDG when money was tight, so I don't dismiss that as an option. But the taxi is so easy and convenient that it's it's no contest if you can afford it. You don't have to figure out routes, lug luggage or walk after the last stop.
If you do opt for public transportation, listen to what Janet and wbfey1 have said about the hazards of making yourself a target as you arrive jet-lagged. Public transportation in Paris is very good and pretty easy to navigate, but you don't want to be standing around looking tired and confused, shepherding luggage through turnstiles, etc.

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4085 posts

This hotel is not at the Port Royal RER stop. 8 blvd Port Royal is a few steps away from the Gobelins Metro stop on Line 7. Google Maps shows the RER B to Chatelet-Les Halles, switching to Line 7 (using the same ticket.) It's fair to say that Chatelet-Les Halles is something of a maze to navigate, especially after a tiring air journey.
I like the location you have chosen. The only "tourist" site is the Gobelins tapestry factory but there are a number of neighbourhood restaurants and the winding Mouffetard with its shops and students and bistrots is just a stroll towards the river.
However, for a calmer restaurant, I recommend Simone, about three long blocks to the southwest from your hotel. So tiny it's like eating in someone's home kitchen, the short menu is adventurous but well thought out. Lunch is a little cheaper and this is unquestionably a neighbourhood fixture. It has its own even smaller "cave", or wine shop, around the corner. Phone (or ask the hotel) for reservations.
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