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Beach Resort Near Montpellier

We will arrive in Languedoc late August, staying with family in tiny Adissan, where we will be granted use of a car. My wife and I would like to have a few days in a beach resort to kick back, read a cheesy paperback, and not worry about driving home after a seafood dinner with a bottle of white wine. Any suggestions for a great beach resort perhaps within an hours drive, either direction, of Montpellier? (Tiny Adissan is west of MPL.) We're both 60, and don't care for discos, other than that... TIA.

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2653 posts

Palavas-les-Flots, le Grau du Roi, and maybe la Grande Motte are all wonderful beaches close to Montpellier, but August is vacation month and French beaches are full of vacationers. Much of the accommodations here are booked years in advance for summer vaction stays. I should think it almost impossible to find anywhere available during the month of August at any of these locations.

Le Grau du Roi does have train access, almost to the beach, from Nîmes, all of these beaches have bus access from Montpellier, but later in September would be a better time to visit.

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10510 posts

He did say late August, so there might possibly be something. People start heading home starting August 15th. La Grand Motte is the largest and where I'd look first. Friends recently got a last minute hotel room for the 14th of July, Bastille Day, on the port with a view of the fireworks. You never know. Try Séte, Frontignan, and Agde.